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Residential Settings

ODP Announcement 21-090 is to provide guidance to licensees that operate Community Homes for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability or Autism, licensees that operate Life Sharing Homes, ODP-enrolled providers of licensed or unlicensed Residential Habilitation, ODP-enrolled providers of licensed or unlicensed Life Sharing, and/or ODP-enrolled Supported Living providers (“Providers”). This guidance is about the use of assistive technology and remote supports to achieve individual’s goals and outcomes while balancing the benefits of technology use with the requirement to protect each individual’s right to privacy.

ODP has developed a Residential Technology Evaluation Tool to assist providers in determining whether a privacy violation will or may occur. The tool is not a required form, although ODP strongly recommends its use. Providers may develop their own tool to determine whether a privacy violation will or may occur.

ODP is holding a webinar to discuss requirements and best practices for the use of assistive technology and remote supports in residential settings. The date, time, and link for registration to attend the webinar are as follows: