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Specialized Residential Settings for Children and Youth

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The Application and Approval Process for certification as a specialized setting outlined within the Office of Children, Youth and Families (OCYF) Bulletin # 3680-20-02, 3800-20-03, Specialized Residential Settings for Children and Youth, was released February 14, 2020.

OCYF understands the strains placed on provider agencies by the Government response to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). In an effort to ensure all agencies licensed under Chapter 3800 as a child residential facility, or Chapter 3680 as a Supervised Independent Living Program, interested in participating in the voluntary certification process for specialized services outlined in the above bulletin are able to submit all necessary documentation for consideration for certification, OCYF will extend the following deadline (which appears in Attachment B of the bulletin as 3/15/2020):

3/23/2020 – Interested providers must submit a letter of intent that will trigger an automatic 45-day extension of DHS’ requested due date (3/1/20) for pre-contractual budget documentation through this resource account. Acknowledgement of receipt will be sent from the resource account.

All other guidance and instruction within the bulletin and pertaining to the application process still applies. Those who have already submitted the letter of intent do not need to resubmit.

This specialized settings certification process coincides with the end of State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2019–2020, in order to allow the certifications to be issued in advance of SFY 2020–2021. Any agency or provider unable to participate in the certification process for SFY 2020–21 may participate in the process for SFY 2021–22. OCYF will provide information and instructions prior to the window for letter of intent and application submission for SFY 2021–22 certification.