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The Pennsylvania Department of Health (PA DOH) is currently accepting applications for the PA-SUN Request for Applications (RFA). Hospitals and Health Systems, on behalf of their ED(s), are invited to apply to the Department in accordance with RFA # 67-166.

The Department is interested in funding applications addressing building and implementing health system-wide clinical capacity to screen, diagnose, and support longitudinal care for opioid use disorder (OUD) and stimulant use disorder (StUD) as well as support recovery for adults and adolescents.

The overall goal of this funding is to promote and support ED linkage to care via multidisciplinary teams utilizing navigators, to include strategies like focused connections during care for conditions that may represent sequelae of substance use and enhanced universal screening for substance use disorder (SUD) among patients presenting for other reasons to EDs to identify new opportunities to engage in and link to care.

All questions regarding this RFA must be directed via email, no later than 12:00 pm on December 4, 2023. All questions must include the specific section of the RFA about which the potential applicant is requesting clarification. Answers to all questions will be posted on PA eMarketplace. To review the responses to posed questions, select ‘Solicitations’ and search for RFA #67-166. Applications must be received no later than 1:30 pm on January 16, 2024.

An additional update regarding the educational modules: By end of year 2023, the PA-SUN team intends to release asynchronous (self-study) education modules to aid EDs in increasing knowledge on topics such as harm reduction, buprenorphine initiation, linkage to care, and stigma.  For updates regarding the education modules please visit the PA-SUN website.