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The Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP) is hosting its annual Recovery Month Kick-Off event on September 12 at Soldiers and Sailors Grove in Harrisburg. The focus of the 2024 kick-off will be total wellness in recovery. To participate in the event, complete the survey by June 28 to indicate if you or your agency would like to provide an interactive activity (such as yoga, music therapy, or meditation) or have a resource table. Space is limited, so responses will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. The event will take place outdoors, with a rain date of Sept. 13. It will be held at the venue located on the fountain side of the state capitol building between Commonwealth Avenue and State Street.

The Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP) is conducting a survey on regulatory reform that will help guide its work in this area. The survey is available online, and responses are due by close of business March 28, 2024. Regulations governing licensed addiction treatment providers under DDAP’s authority can be found in the Pennsylvania Code and Bulletin. If you have any questions, please contact Cynthia Beidler.

The Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council (PADDC) is working on a project to enhance Pennsylvania’s self-advocate leadership to focus on system and policy change. We invite people with developmental and intellectual disabilities (I/DD) and providers or organizations to connect them to self-advocates who may want to be part of the conversation.

The first step in the plan is to gather contact information so they can listen and learn from you. Please complete their survey through the links below.

The long-term plan includes talking with self-advocates with intellectual and developmental disabilities about:

  1. Connecting self-advocates to network and organize as a powerful, united community;
  2. Creating the foundation for an effective statewide network of skilled advocates who can influence system change; and
  3. Involving people interested in advocacy and system change to plan together for the future.

Please visit one of the links below by March 20 to help them learn about self-advocacy in Pennsylvania!

  1. If you are an individual with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities and are interested in becoming an advocate, please use this survey link.
  2. If you are an organization or provider that engages with people with intellectual/developmental disabilities, please use this survey link.

Please share this opportunity to connect with interested Pennsylvania advocates and I/DD providers or organizations in your network!

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RCPA member Familylinks’s President and CEO Stacey Vaccaro is currently completing a study for her PhD regarding the characteristics of health and human services managers that make them stay in the industry. Members can assist Stacey by completing this questionnaire. The information obtained will help to shed light on whether or not some managers are truly “built” for this work. The questionnaire will take about 10 minutes to complete and will provide valuable insight to help us all better understand the managers in the industry.

Should you have questions, please contact Stacey directly about the study. You may also contact the faculty sponsor, Dr. J. Rosendale.

This project has been approved by the Indiana University of Pennsylvania Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects (Phone 724-357-7730).

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has shared ODPANN 24-022 and its accompanying Family Surveys attachment. The announcement notes that the National Core Indicators® (NCI®) surveys provide states with valid and reliable tools to help improve system performance and better serve people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (age 18 and older) and their families. Since 1997, Pennsylvania has participated annually in the NCI® Project.

Both surveys are scheduled to be mailed and should be received within the next two weeks. Beginning this year, families and guardians may choose one of two ways to complete the survey they receive. They may either fill out the hard copy and return it to ODP via the self-addressed stamped envelope provided, or they may enter their responses directly into a secure online database using the link and instructions contained in the cover letter accompanying the survey.

Please view the announcement and attachment for information and details.

The Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) requests your assistance to complete, and further disseminate, a survey that will assist the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Committee (JJDPC) and PCCD gather relevant information related to current resources and gaps in local diversion policy, practices, and programming. The utilization of diversion policies, practices, and programs, in appropriate cases, can reduce the impact of formal involvement with the juvenile justice system for youth who commit minor offenses, while ensuring balanced and restorative justice.

PCCD recognizes the importance of capturing feedback from their stakeholders. Please complete the below survey and feel free to forward the survey link to any stakeholder you deem appropriate. This survey should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete. Your participation is extremely important, as results from the survey will help shape effective strategies and drive positive change in our approach to diversion. The information collected through this survey may also be used to make future funding and policy recommendations to the JJDPC.

The survey link can be found here. The survey will remain open until the close of business on February 29, 2024. Please contact PCCD staff, Teresa Wilcox, via email with any questions or assistance in completing the survey.

Thank you in advance for your time and assistance. PCCD looks forward to receiving your important feedback.