Tags Posts tagged with "Update"


ODP Announcement 22-116 releases updated protocols for the Health Risk Screening Tool. The accompanying document is an update to the previously released protocol for HRST. It contains information regarding expectations, timelines, and reflects changes in the process since the initial protocol was distributed. Additionally, it provides guidance regarding roles and responsibilities for those expected to use the tool.

Assistance can also be obtained by contacting HRST support and HRST Assistance.

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Due to a scheduling conflict with the Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) participating in RCPA’s Brain Injury Committee meeting on October 26, 2022, OLTL has agreed to provide their update via a separate webcast. The update/webcast has been scheduled for November 16, 2022, at 11:00 am and will be led by Randy Nolen. The topics of discussion include:

  • Clarification of the role of the Service Coordinators and the process providers should use for reporting inaccuracies, etc. Providers are experiencing an increase of SCs telling families and providers that job functions are not their job, including not assisting participants, families/support persons, and providers with issues such as the participant needing a higher or lower level of care.
  • Updates on the next RFP for the CHC-MCOs.
  • Consideration of a bed hold provision and how this could help ease some financial strain for the BI providers. Is this something that can be included in the next RFP for the CHC-MCOs?
  • Possibility and consideration of having a BI Specialist within OLTL and the CHC-MCOs.
  • With only 25% of ARPA funds spent, is there a possibility of applying for more?
  • Status/update on the checklist that was shared in April 2022.
  • Updates on next steps from OLTL regarding CMS’ HCBS quality measure set.

Register to participate in this discussion here. If you have any questions, please contact Melissa Dehoff.

The Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) has updated the Benefits Planning Provider Agreement to include two more services as well as some updated language. The document includes the full agreement, along with example templates for the deliverables for each service.

Jennnifer Radick, Vocational Rehabilitation Specialist with OVR that specializes in the Ticket to Work Program and Benefits Counseling/Planning, has shared a letter reaching out to employment service providers. If, after reviewing this agreement, you are interested in becoming an OVR Benefits Planning Provider, you can contact Jennifer using the below information:

Jennifer Radick, MS, CRC
Vocational Rehabilitation Specialist
Department of Labor & Industry
Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
Bureau of Central Operations
(610) 329-4814

Image by Werner Moser from Pixabay

Following up on the previous RCPA Alert regarding the Pennsylvania Insurance Department’s Notice for Public Comment, please note that comments may be submitted via email OR sent directly to the following address:

PA Insurance Department
Attn: Katie Merritt, Policy Director
1326 Strawberry Square,
Harrisburg, PA 17120

Comments will be accepted until Friday, August 5, 2022.

The department is looking to hear from consumers, advocates, and other organizations about challenges they have experienced accessing various provider types. The notice is divided into two categories: physical health services and behavioral health services, including substance use disorder treatment.

On behalf of its behavioral health provider members, RCPA is compiling comments to submit to PID, although members who prefer to submit their comments and experiences on their own are encouraged to do so. Providers wanting to submit comments as part of an RCPA response can send them to Drug and Alcohol Division Director Jason Snyder. PID will accept comments until Friday, August 5, so please submit your comments to RCPA by Friday, July 29.

assistance, support, guidance - business concept words in color hexagons over blue background, flat design

The Department of Human Services (DHS) is pleased to announce new provider enrollment portal enhancements designed to improve a provider’s enrollment experience. Providers will enter the enrollment portal from PROMISe™ using their existing registered login criteria. Upon successful login, providers will have access to these new enhancements:

  1. Applications for adding additional service locations, revalidations, and reactivations will prepopulate parts of your application;
  2. After logging into the portal, existing providers will be able to submit change requests to update their provider file without the need to complete a full application; and
  3. Proof of provider enrollment status with PA Medicaid is available to view and print.

See the PROMISe Quick Tips update for more information. If you do not have an existing login, please select “Register Now” in the Provider Login box and complete the process options. Additional enhancements are planned and will be communicated through future banner alerts and quick tips.

If you have further questions, please contact RCPA Policy Director Jim Sharp.

The ODPANN 22-054 Update is to inform all interested parties that important infrastructural changes to the Medication Administration Training Program will now be rescheduled to take place from Friday, July 1 – Sunday, July 31, 2022, which will cause an outage. If you attempt to conduct a class or complete any training on the system during this outage, your work will be lost.

The time for the Drug & Alcohol Committee meeting on Tuesday, April 5, 2022, has been changed from 9:00 am to 9:30 am. Please see the full schedule below:

  • 9:30 am–11:00 am – This portion of the meeting will be for provider members only.
  • 11:00 am–12:00 pm – This portion of the meeting will be for all members.

Instructions for participating in each portion of the meeting will be sent the day prior. RCPA Staff will ensure that everyone receives the appropriate registration instructions.

If you haven’t done so yet, please register for the meeting here. If you have any questions, please contact Jason Snyder.

The Department of Human Services recently issued an announcement regarding upcoming Sandata Alternate Electronic Visit Verification (Alt EVV) Town Hall meetings. The EVV Town Hall will include an overview of the integration process for both Home Health Care Services and Personal Care Services. DHS is requiring all previously certified Alt EVV vendors to recertify with newly updated Alt EVV technical specifications.

The Town Hall meetings are scheduled for:

  • April 11, 2022, from 1:00 pm–2:30 pm; OR
  • May 27, 2022, from 12:00 pm–1:30 pm.

The previously shared date for the Town Hall meeting (March 25, 2022) has been rescheduled to the April 11 date. The content for both meetings will be the same. Due to capacity limits, advanced registration is required.

Questions about EVV should be sent via email.