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Updates from ODP’s ISAC Meeting

The Information Sharing and Advisory Committee (ISAC) met today and heard updates from Deputy Secretary Ahrens, Jeremy Yale and Dr. Cherpes.

The “blue book” for the Governor’s proposed budget has not yet been releases, but some of the points of interest proposed for IDD include:

  • $13.9 million for Waiting List initiative to include moving 732 individuals from the Emergency Waitlist into Community Living Waiver, and 100 consolidated waiver slots for unanticipated emergencies
  • $828,000 for Outcome based incentive payments for transitioning individuals from group home settings into Lifesharing and Supported Living programs (details yet to be determined)

Enhanced Rates for CPS and Transportation Trip have been implemented.  There were some glitches with the implementation that ODP believes are resolved, or near to being resolved. These enhanced rates will be published for public comment mid-March.

ODP continues to work on a method of reimbursement for CPS and transportation providers to address fixed costs during COVID.  It is anticipated that this will be available for providers to complete application for reimbursement mid-March.

No individual should lose ANY service due to the enhanced rates.  Teams have been asked to evaluate the year- to -date usage of approved units of service, and adapt ISPs if possible, to keep their approved services below the P/FDS waiver cap.  If that is not possible, then a request for a waiver cap should be requested.

An update regarding vaccination roll out was provided by Dr. Cherpes.  While many individuals and staff have successfully received vaccinations, there are many who are still in need of accessible vaccinations.  Many providers have generously hosted clinics and ODP is grateful for the collaboration.  It is recommended that those who have not yet been successful in accessing vaccines should refer to Pa’s DOH website to find locations in their area where vaccines may be available.

Every adult enrolled in ODP services is eligible for vaccination in either 1A (residential programs, ICF’s), or 1B (home and community-based services).  All staff and unpaid caregivers are eligible in 1A.

Please see ISAC Updates for further information regarding these topics, and report on ISAC Recommendation #3 to Increase Employment.