The Nuts and Bolts of Job Coaching Training

The Pennsylvania Department of Education, Bureau of Special Education is pleased to announce the following training opportunity:
The Nuts and Bolts of Job Coaching
Online Course
October 10, 2022 – December 5, 2022
This self-paced, five module, online course provides participants with relevant information regarding the role of a Job Coach to support students in community-based work settings.
Target Audience: Paraprofessionals, other support staff, teachers, transition coordinators, special education directors, or anyone interested in this topic.
Registration Information
Please register online by visiting the PaTTAN website.
For registration questions, contact:
Kristen Olszyk, 800-446-5607 x6848
For content related questions, contact:
Kaylee Wynkoop, 800-446-5607 x6888
Continuing Education Credit
Act 48 Clock Hours, Paraeducator Professional Development Hours
Individuals participating in this course must successfully complete and submit all required coursework before the end date of this course to receive Act 48 Professional Education hours and Paraeducator Professional Development hours.