Authors Posts by Carol Ferenz

Carol Ferenz


The Department of Human Services (Department) is making available for public review and comment the Office of Developmental Programs’ (ODP) proposed application for a section 1915(b)(4) waiver for a selective contracting program as well as amendments to the Consolidated and Community Living waivers required to implement selective contracting for Residential Habilitation, Life Sharing, and Supported Living services. The selective contracting program will be referred to as Performance-Based Contracting.

The Department is also making available for public review and comment additional proposed amendments to the Consolidated, Community Living, Person/Family Directed Support (P/FDS), and Adult Autism Waivers that are not related to implementation of selective contracting. Changes are proposed to become effective on January 1, 2025.

When performance-based contracting is implemented, all currently enrolled residential providers will have the opportunity to enter into a performance-based contract with ODP. To help support providers with the new requirements and process, ODP will hold provider trainings so that providers have a clear understanding of the process and expectations. As part of this process, providers will submit documentation demonstrating compliance with the performance areas identified by ODP. Additionally, ODP will use data from participant experience surveys, claims, incident management, health risk screening, administrative entities, and a new Performance Analysis Services vendor to evaluate each provider’s performance against the established standards and determine the tier in which the provider will be placed.

Providers will be placed in one of the following tiers based on their performance:

  • Conditional for providers operating under provisional or revoked licenses;
  • Primary for providers that meet current standards and a few additional standards;
  • Select for providers that deliver at least two of the three residential services in the performance-based contracting model and meet enhanced measures; or
  • Clinically Enhanced for providers that offer clinically enhanced medical or behavioral supports and meet enhanced measures.

The Department proposes the following substantive amendments to the Consolidated and Community Living waivers that will support the implementation of performance-based contracting, effective January 1, 2025:

  • Allow for the Department to contract with a Performance Analysis Services vendor that will provide administrative support with data collection, analysis, and reporting functions;
  • Require residential service providers to sign a residential provider agreement, which requires providers to comply with performance standards and reporting requirements outlined in the agreement and ODP policy; and
  • Implement pay-for-performance supplemental payments for residential service providers that meet or exceed performance targets for staff credentialing, employment of individuals served, transition of individuals to Life Sharing or Supported Living services, and reporting on use of technology.

Supplemental payments will be calculated for residential providers meeting or exceeding performance standards as a one-time or combined payment up to 3% of ODP-eligible service revenue from the applicable review period or established payment amount per qualifying event. Providers that have been determined to be a Primary, Select, or Clinically Enhanced provider are eligible to receive the supplemental payments.

  • Pay Licensed Residential Habilitation, Unlicensed Residential Habilitation, Life Sharing, and Supported Living providers that meet the requirements to qualify as a select provider or a Clinically Enhanced residential provider a payment that is in addition to the Medical Assistance fee schedule rate. Select providers will receive a rate add-on of 5% per individual served, and Clinically Enhanced providers will receive a rate add-on of 8%.

Other proposed amendments unrelated to Performance-Based Contracting include:

  • Assuring effective communication for individuals who use American Sign Language through implementation of a new American Sign Language — English Interpreter service. Services will be reimbursed as a vendor service based on the cost that the provider charges to the general public.
  • Promoting health, wellness, and safety by clarifying that individuals who receive services in an acute care hospital will not be disenrolled from the waiver.
  • Supporting the quality of Assistive Technology provided by expanding the qualification requirements for a professional who can complete an evaluation of an individual’s need for Assistive Technology and clarifying that evaluations can be completed for technology costing less than $750 if the service plan team believes it will be beneficial.
  • Increasing community participation and employment by requiring providers of Community Participation Support and Day Habilitation services to annually complete an analysis of each individual’s interests, preferences, skills, and strengths that support the individual’s participation in employment or other community activities.
  • Including revisions to align waiver requirements with regulatory requirements, correct errors, and provide clarification requested by stakeholders.
  • Increasing employment of individuals by allowing indirect activities to be billed through the Benefits Counseling service and improving access to Benefits Counseling for individuals who are not eligible for the Federal Work Incentives Planning and Assistance program.

The Department proposes the following substantive amendments to the Adult Autism Waiver that are not related to implementation of performance-based contracting effective January 1, 2025:

  • Support the quality of Residential Habilitation, Community Home, and Life Sharing services, through alignment of provider qualifications with the qualifications included in the Consolidated and Community Living waivers.
  • Promote health, wellness, and safety by clarifying that Residential Habilitation providers must have a licensed nurse available if the provider serves individuals with needs that require care by a licensed nurse.
  • Promote self-direction, choice, and control by clarifying that Community Transition Services can be used to support individuals transitioning from settings such as Residential Habilitation to private residences in alignment with guidance in the CMS instructions, technical guide, and review criteria for 1915(c) waivers.

View Performance-Based Contracting Information:

View Proposed Changes to the Waivers, Including Changes Not Related to Performance-Based Contracting:

Comments received within 45 days of publication of this notice will be reviewed and considered for revisions to the proposed application for a section 1915(b)(4) waiver as well as proposed amendments to the waivers. Comments should be addressed to Julie Mochon, Department of Human Services, Office of Developmental Programs, 625 Forster Street, Room 510, Harrisburg, PA 17120. Comments may also be submitted to the Department via email using the subject header ”Waiver Comments.”

RCPA will be scheduling a meeting for members to develop comments in response to these proposed amendments. Please contact Carol Ferenz with any questions.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) and Governor Josh Shapiro’s office invite you to Move Your Way! To acknowledge the National Day of Exercise and ODP’s new campaign to encourage physical activity, Governor Josh Shapiro has signed a proclamation, which recognized April 18, 2024, as Move Your Way Day.

What is Move Your Way?

Move Your Way is the physical activity campaign based on the second edition of the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. It offers tools and resources for individuals and professionals to learn about the Physical Activity Guidelines, share its key messages, and encourage individuals to become more active. Recognizing the health disparities and co-existing medical conditions experienced by many individuals with intellectual disabilities, developmental disabilities, and autism, ODP is promoting Move Your Way in cooperation with the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Becoming more physically active can help lead to happier, healthier lives.

How Can You Move Your Way?

Anything that gets your heart beating faster counts. And it all adds up.

Find what works for you! Walking, dancing, gardening, swimming, and stretching are just a few suggestions for weekly movement.

Adults need a mix of physical activity to stay healthy: moderate-intensity aerobic activity at least 150 minutes a week, and muscle-strengthening activity at least 2 days a week. Do activities that make your muscles work harder than usual.

What’s Your Move?

Do you have a weekly movement routine? Share your story with us!

Email ODP, and they may feature your story on MyODP News Online!

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has published the proposed Fee Schedule Rates for services funded through the Consolidated, Community Living, Person/Family Directed Support (P/FDS), and Adult Autism Waivers and Base-Funded Program, residential ineligible services, as well as the accompanying rate assumption logs. These rates are proposed to become effective July 1, 2024.

Comments received by 11:59 pm on June 4, 2024, will be reviewed and considered for revisions. Interested persons are invited to submit written comments regarding the proposed rates. Comments may be submitted to the Department via email, and RCPA will schedule a meeting with our members to develop our comments.

Proposed Fee Schedule Rates and Department-Established Fees for Community-Based Services in the Consolidated, Community Living, and P/FDS Waivers and Base-Funding:

Adult Autism Waiver: 

* The proposed AAW fee schedule rates have not been posted

Comments about rates for services in the Consolidated, Community Living, and P/FDS Waivers and base-funding should be addressed to Department of Human Services, Office of Developmental Programs, Division of Provider Assistance and Rate Setting, 4th Floor, Health and Welfare Building, 625 Forster Street, Harrisburg, PA 17120.

Comments about rates for services covered in the Adult Autism Waiver should be addressed to Jamie Bonser, Department of Human Services, Office of Developmental Programs, 625 Forster Street, Room 510, Harrisburg, PA 17120.

We understand that the waiver amendments, including the details regarding Performance-Based Contracting, are scheduled to be published in the PA Bulletin this weekend, and we will share those with members as soon as they are available.

We would like to thank business member Paul Stanalonis for sharing an impact analysis he developed today. Please note that this comparison is based upon the rates that have continued to be in effect throughout COVID, and were not adjusted as originally planned by ODP.

Please contact Carol Ferenz with any questions. A meeting announcement will be sent to members once a date and time is confirmed.

From Senator Frank Farry’s Newsletter on April 12, 2024:

Last week, I held a press conference to announce the findings from the Joint State Government Commission report mandated from House Resolution 212 – which I authored while serving in the House of Representatives. The report reviewed the services provided by the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) to individuals with disabilities, including work opportunities and living arrangements.

The press conference was held at Associated Production Services (APS), a packaging company in Feasterville that is employed predominately by individuals with disabilities. Currently, ODP in their rate setting penalizes operations like APS because there is not a community element. However, we heard from many of the working individuals along with their families that they are happy working at APS with their peers. It is a clean, safe, and structured environment, and they consider it their community.

Watch what the workers of APS and their families had to say:  

In 2017, we held a rally at the Capitol with workers from APS and similar workplaces, their families, and service providers advocating for “My Work. My Choice.” I cannot believe we are still talking about this today. One astounding issue is that to participate in a work program like APS, you need to be found ineligible for other programs and it is considered a workplace of last resort. That doesn’t sound like choice.

The report reaffirms that choice should be paramount in the services provided by ODP. The number one recommendation in the report is “promote freedom of choice.” I am going to use this report as the blueprint to continue to advocate for programs like APS to stay open and ensure individuals with disabilities are treated fairly by the government, including having the freedom to choose where they live and work. View full press conference and learn more.

The United States Senate Special Committee on Aging will be holding a hearing tomorrow to discuss the long-term care workforce. The hearing will be to address the shortages and legislation to improve the caring professions. U.S. Senator Bob Casey (PA), Chairman of the Committee, has invited Nick Smith, an NADSP-certified direct support professional from Philadelphia, to provide testimony. It is rare that direct support professionals have the opportunity to testify before the United States Senate, and NADSP invites you to watch Mr. Smith on Tuesday. Insights gained from such hearings can inform the development of legislation aimed at addressing workforce issues.


The hearing will be livestreamed on the committee page. To access the livestream, visit here. Details are below:

United States Senate Special Committee on Aging
Full Committee Hearing
Tuesday, April 16, 2024
10:00 am (EDT)
Featuring Nick Smith, DSP-1, SPIN, Philadelphia, PA