Authors Posts by Carol Ferenz

Carol Ferenz


In addition to the general sessions, including national updates that will provide valuable information to all, we have several break-out sessions that will be offered live each day during our 2021 Conference. These sessions include:

Tuesday September 28, 2021

  • Preparing Infrastructure for Managed Care in ID/DD Providers
  • Coordinating Measurement-Based Care: How the Maryland Community Behavioral Health Association Improved Treatment Outcomes and Leveraged Their Data
  • Leadership in Technology for a New Era
  • The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Regional Approach to Address Healthy Equity
  • Magical Metaphors: Creating a Shared Language Within a CBT Treatment Setting
  • Without a Playbook: Navigating the Pandemic While Still Moving Forward
  • Enhancing Whole Health and Wellness: Working Works When Using Social Security Work Incentives
  • Linking Up! CANS Across the Tristate Area, and How This Can Optimize Care
  • Creating an Employee-Centered Culture to Attract & Retain Staff
  • Mobile Buprenorphine: A Novel Method for Engaging Populations in Substance Use Disorder Care
  • Improving Access to Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Services For OUR Older Adults. YOU Can Help!

Wednesday September 29, 2021

  • Top Funding Resources for Assistive Technology in Pennsylvania
  • Measuring What Matters Most: Leveraging the Power of Business Intelligence to Drive Organizational Improvements
  • People Like Me: Working with Vulnerable Populations Using an Integrated Model to Behavioral Health Care
  • How COVID-19 Changes Our View of Emergency Preparedness: Lessons Learned from COVID-19 and Key Strategies for Preparedness Moving Forward
  • The Great Reset: Leadership Beyond the Pandemic
  • “Link Outside the Box”: Using Remote Services and Technology to Provide Support Services For Individuals With IDD
  • Promoting Motivational Interviewing Spirit and Skills with Paraprofessional Staff
  • COVID-19 at 18 Months: How the Pandemic Has Changed Us and Society
  • Strategies for Reducing Screen Time Fatigue

Thursday September 30, 2021

  • A Collaborative Agency-Based Approach to Implementing a Pandemic-Induced Practice-Based Change to Telehealth
  • Concussion (TBI) and Behavioral Health (The Missing Peace): Where Are We Now?
  • Trauma-Informed Support for People with Intellectual Disabilities
  • No Longer Just a Plan — Value Based Payments in Community HealthChoices in 2022
  • The Cultural Competency in the Clinical Assessment & Treatment of Adults with IDD and Co-Occurring Mental Illness
  • The Path to VBP is Paved With Quality: A National Perspective on Measures of Quality in IDD Services
  • Post-Incarceration Care: How to Create an Effective Transitional Model
  • Implementing Trauma-Informed PA (TIPA): PRTFs Becoming Trauma-Informed
  • We Hear You!
  • Expanding Integrated Primary Care for People with IDD: Replicable Models and Policy Implications
  • The Unexpected Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Time Banking: A Grassroots Resource for Increased Personal Outcomes and Community Development

There will also be over 20 “on-demand” sessions on many timely subjects and topics, such as Leadership, Diversity, and Remote Supports and Services.

Visit the RCPA Conference website for specific updates to the schedule, posted as they become finalized.

Image by photosforyou from Pixabay

There are approximately 240 children with medical needs currently living in pediatric care facilities who are missing the vibrancy and joy of family life. For those children who may not be able to return home, their prioritization for discharge provides an exciting challenge to the Lifesharing community: Are you ready to expand your expertise in supporting family life for individuals with disabilities to ensure that children, too, enjoy Everyday Lives? This webinar, presented by Rachel Mann, Esq. and Nancy Rosenau, Ph.D. of the Imagine Different Coalition, will unravel much of the mystery surrounding who these children are and what they need.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021 2:00 pm–4:00 pm

Target Audience:

  • Lifesharing Providers
  • Supports Coordination Organizations
  • Waiver Provider Program Leadership
  • Nursing Provider Management

Welcomed Guests:

  • Family Members and Child Advocates
  • Families and Children’s Advocates

To Register:
Visit Imagine Different Lifesharing ID/DD/CMC Webinar
Or email

This webinar is generously sponsored by Disability Rights Pennsylvania.

On February 14, 2019, the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) and the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) released Bulletin 00-19-01, OVR Referral Process for ODP Employment-Related Services. Attachment 4 to the bulletin is the OVR Contact Information for Intellectual Disability/Autism Coordinators. Attached, please find an updated version of this contact information. This version, dated 8-10-21, replaces all prior versions of this attachment. This updated contact information and Bulletin 00-19-01 in its entirety can be found on the MyODP Employment page.

The American Network of Community Options and Resources (ANCOR) provided feedback to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) emergency temporary standard (ETS). While ANCOR members understand and support OSHA’s intent to protect healthcare and healthcare support service workers from occupational exposure to COVID-19, there is a  concern that the rule remains unclear in its scope of implementation and may further exacerbate the current workforce crisis impacting services and supports for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD).

The Office of Developmental Programs has issued a Health Alert to bring awareness of recent information regarding COVID-19 vaccines. Throughout the pandemic, it has been evident that individuals with intellectual disabilities and autism are at increased risk for infection and more severe outcomes from COVID-19. Vaccination for the virus that causes COVID-19 is a vital tool in protecting lives and bringing an end to a pandemic that so far has taken over 633,000 American lives.

An additional dose of the COVID-19 vaccine to help promote continuity immunity from infection, called a “booster dose,” has not yet been recommended by the CDC or FDA. Many news sources have reported that this recommendation will be coming soon. Some news sources have reported the date of September 20, 2021 as the date that booster doses will be available. ODP will continue to share information as it becomes known.

When booster shots are available, you can reach out to the provider who gave your initial vaccine doses as a possible source for the booster shot. Given the anticipated need in the near future for a high volume of vaccinations, Intermediate Care Facility and residential providers who do not have an identified vaccination provider and/or a plan for vaccinating their residents should secure a relationship with a vaccine provider(s) or establish a plan.

Providers that need assistance should contact Doug Trahey. More information on finding vaccine providers in PA is available at PA Unites Against COVID.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021
2:00 pm–3:30 pm ET
Register for the call

Please mark your calendars for a 90-minute AbilityOne Committee Zoom meeting with the AbilityOne Commission’s Acting Executive Director, Kimberly Zeich, on Tuesday, September 21 from 2:00 pm–3:30 pm ET. Kim will share with us information about what the Commission is working on currently. We have invited her to include others from the AbilityOne Commission to join the call as well. This will be an open discussion for ACCSES members only. All ACCSES members are welcome.

To join ACCSES, visit here.

Message from the Institute on Disabilities at Temple University:

The Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) is conducting a Comprehensive Statewide Needs Assessment designed to meet and satisfy the State Plan requirements in the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. This project is being conducted in cooperation with the Pennsylvania Rehabilitation Council.

As part of this assessment, the Institute on Disabilities at Temple University invites Pennsylvania Community Rehabilitation Providers (CRPs) to complete a survey to identify how OVR can better support people with disabilities and providers across Pennsylvania. We are requesting your feedback on your customers’ and staff’s needs, gaps, and barriers to service provision, and strategies that support competitive employment for Pennsylvanians with disabilities, including students and youth.

This survey is anonymous and voluntary. It will take approximately 20–30 minutes to complete. Upon completion, you may enter your contact information into a drawing to win one of three $20 gift cards.

Please complete this survey by August 31, 2021.

The Institute is also looking for CRP professionals to participate in brief phone interviews. Please share your expertise. Those interested can email or call 215-204-7660.

Thank you for your time!

Institute on Disabilities at Temple University