Authors Posts by Carol Ferenz

Carol Ferenz


Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has issued an announcement regarding an Addendum to Informational Packet 031-15 Updated Attachment #4. In October 2010, the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania enacted the Adult Protective Services (APS) Act which provides for the protection of abused, neglected, exploited, or abandoned adults. The APS Act protects residents of the Commonwealth between 18 and 59 years of age who have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.

Employees and administrators of facilities (including an organization or group of people that uses public funds and is paid, in part, to provide care and support to adults in a licensed or unlicensed setting) are mandated reporters under this act. An administrator or employee of a facility who observes suspected abuse, neglect, exploitation, or abandonment, or has reasonable cause to suspect that abuse or neglect has occurred, must immediately assure the recipient’s health and safety. After assisting the recipient, an employee or administrator must follow the reporting requirements set forth in the APS Act. An oral report must be made to the statewide Protective Services Hotline by calling 800-490-8505. Once the report is made, it will be referred to the APS agency (Liberty Healthcare).

The original Informational Packet regarding this Statement of ODP policy was issued in 2015 and was revised on April 30, 2015. An addendum was then issued on June 9, 2017. The document now being released (dated September 2018) replaces the original attachment as well as the Addendum issued in April of 2017.

The substantial changes in the newly updated document are related to the definition of sexual abuse. The new attachment now includes detailed definitions of rape, involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, sexual assault, statutory sexual assault, aggravated indecent assault, incest, and sexual harassment.

To view the packet issued 4/30/15 that this addendum is related to, follow this link. Contact Carol Ferenz, RCPA IDD Division Director, with questions.

In 2017, the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) redesigned the process for assessing administrative entities, supports coordination organizations, and providers. The redesigned Quality Assessment and Improvement (QA&I) process is intended to better capture the individual’s experience of the system and develop a culture of partnership of continuous quality improvement instead of a singular focus on compliance. The QA&I Annual Statewide Report provides a summary and evaluation of the results of the first set of QA&I reviews of AEs, SCOs, and providers – Cycle 1, Year 1 (C1Y1) sorted by geographic region.

Three focus areas are highlighted by ODP in this report: Assure Effective Communication, Increase Employment, and Improve Quality. The report highlights successes and also opportunities for systemic quality improvement discovered during QA&I reviews in the areas of Person-Centered Planning and Service Delivery; Promoting Self-direction, Choice and Control; Increasing Community Participation; Promoting Health, Wellness and Safety; Supporting People with Complex Needs; Developing and Supporting Qualified Staff; and Ensuring Financial Accountability.

As mentioned in the ODP Announcement #080-18, the QA&I Annual Statewide Report is located online at MyODP.org — QA&I Reports.

Also, a webinar is scheduled for Wednesday, September 26, 2018, 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm: How is the System Working for People We Support? Results from ODP’s Quality Assessment and Improvement (QA&I) FY 2017-18 Process. ODP staff will provide a high-level overview of the performance data including focus areas like employment, communication, and quality management.

Register online for the How is the System Working for People We Support webinar. Contact Carol Ferenz, RCPA IDD Division Director, with questions.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) recently organized a small work group to develop a “simplified rate structure” for the Community Participation Service. Kristin Ahrens and Rick Smith from ODP met with the representative providers who were invited to participate on this work group earlier this week. The first item of business was to review the Proposed Rate Structure Chart that was originally developed by RCPA’s work group, which met in April and May of this year with the intention to make solid recommendations for improvement in the implementation of this service. The stakeholders that participated in the work group all agreed that this proposed structure would be a great improvement in the method utilized to properly bill for services, and to calculate community percentages. A few representatives of RCPA’s committee presented our proposal to ODP staff in June. We are very pleased that our recommendations have been considered for implementation.

The ODP work group is also reviewing the budget assumptions that were utilized to build the rates for FY 18/19. There are concerns that the assumptions utilized do not accurately represent actual costs realized by providers. It is likely that ODP will be requesting updated information from providers in the near future via a survey, in order to obtain more accurate information, particularly regarding staff salary and benefit expenses.

As ODP works on restructuring the rates, the end result will be expected to be budget neutral. The hope is to have the new plan implemented in July 2019 for fiscal year 19/20. As we learn more about the progress of the work group, we will keep members up to date.

Thank you to all who participated in the RCPA Community Participation Work Group meetings; it is rewarding to see that our efforts have made a positive impact in our system. For more information contact Carol Ferenz, RCPA IDD Division Director.

The Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS) and Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) are holding the quarterly Statewide Positive Approaches & Practices Meeting on Thursday, September 27, 2018, 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. The meeting will be held at Selinsgrove Center, 1000 Route 522, Selinsgrove, PA 17870.

Pre-registration is not required. Registration is from 9:00 am to 10:00 am the day of the meeting. The topic for this meeting is Managed Care. For more information, contact Marlinda Smith at 814-932-2233 or Heidi Champa.

Also scheduled is Pennsylvania’s Dual Diagnosis Conference, focused on building capacity to better support individuals with complex needs in the community. The theme is Broadening Understanding, Strengthening Support. The conference will be held Tuesday, November 13 – Thursday, November 15, 2018 at Blair County Convention Center in Altoona.

Keynote and Featured Speakers:

  • Brenda Finucane, MS – Geisinger Health Systems, Autism & Developmental Medicine Institute
  • Dan Dubovsky, MSW – Independent Contractor
  • Beth Barol, PhD – Widener University, School of Social Work
  • Matthew Wintersteen, PhD – Thomas Jefferson University, Department of Psychiatry & Human Behavior
  • Jim Donovan, MEd – St. Francis University

Session Topics Include:

  • Genetic Testing, Diagnosis, and Next Generation Treatment Approaches;
  • Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders;
  • Supporting the Supporters;
  • Suicide Prevention, Assessment, and Brief Intervention ;
  • Finding Solutions Together: Practical Assistive Technology and Tools; and
  • Behavioral Approaches: Functional Assessment and Intervention Planning.

Due to the recent release of the final version of the proposed Chapter 6100 regulations, we are changing the format of our upcoming IDD and SCO Committee meetings. We will still meet on Thursday, September 13, 2018; however, the full IDD Committee will now be meeting at 9:00 am.

Acting Deputy Secretary Kristin Ahrens will attend along with Karen Kroh and Julie Mochon from 9:00 am till 11:00 am. Karen Kroh (Regulatory Consultant) will review the comments that RCPA submitted December 16, 2016 and will report on the department’s response to each comment. We will also review the whole package of the new Chapter 6100, and updates to Chapters 6400, 6500, 2380, 2390, and 6200.

This is a great opportunity for our members to speak to ODP representatives about the proposed changes and how they will affect the services you provide. These proposed changes represent over three years’ worth of work on creating updated regulations that strengthen community services and supports to promote person-centered approaches, community integration, personal choice, quality in service delivery, health and safety protections, competitive integrated employment, accountability in the utilization of resources, and innovation in service design.

As a result of this change, you will need to register (or re-register) for the meeting since the times have changed, and there is now an option to order a lunch, even if you have already registered for the meeting. We apologize for any confusion, but believe it was important for members to have this opportunity. Register here to participate.

The schedule for the day will now include a break at 11:00 am. You can order a lunch through the catering service, you can bring your own, or go to a nearby restaurant and return for the remainder of the meeting.

After the short lunch break, we will begin again with the full IDD Committee meeting — guests include Kelly Arnold, ODP Employment Lead, Julie Mochon to discuss the Technical Guidance for Claim and Service Documentation, and Rick Smith to discuss recent audit findings from the QA&I Year Two.

The SCO Subcommittee will meet after the IDD Committee and will conclude the day by 3:30 pm. Contact Carol Ferenz, IDD Division Director, with any questions.

Today the long awaited Chapter 6100 regulation package has been sent in final form to the Independent Regulatory Review Commission (IRRC). It is anticipated that an IRRC public meeting for the regulation package will be held on October 18, 2018. Everyone that commented is receiving a copy either via email or hard copy; also the whole regulatory package can be accessed here. This should also be posted on the IRRC website sometime next week.

Here are some tips for reading the regulations:

Chapter 6100 — underlines are the additions from the proposed rulemaking; [brackets] are the deletions from the proposed rulemaking.

Chapters 2380, 2390, 6400, 6500 — (four codes appear) underlines are the proposed additions from the current regulation; [brackets] are the proposed deletions from the current regulation; UPPERCASES are the final additions from the proposed rulemaking; strikethroughs are the final deletions from the proposed rulemaking.

We plan to have an opportunity to review the regulation package with ODP representatives at our upcoming IDD Division meeting on September 13.
Contact Carol Ferenz, RCPA IDD Division Director, with any questions.

Due to the joint efforts of the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP), and Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR), the College of Employment Supports (CES) Association of Community Rehabilitation Educators (ACRE) Basic Employment Certification Course became available to providers of employment and prevocational services in April of 2018. This course consists of two parts, 11 self-directed online modules and a CES ACRE Supplement. The supplement portion of the curriculum consists of 4 instructor-led webinars, case studies, and field assignments that are reviewed and approved by an instructor from the Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI).

In order to obtain the complete ACRE Basic Certificate of Achievement, participants must complete both Part 1 and Part 2 of the CES Certified Training.

To answer questions from learners and provide clearer information about this useful resource for employment, a webinar titled ACRE Basic Employment Certification Course Certification Overview is being conducted on Tuesday, August 28, 2018 from 9:00 am – 10:00 am.

To register, please visit the College of Employment Services Registration web page.
Event number: 742 900 315

If you have additional questions about CES or the webinar, please contact PACES.

See ODP Communication Number 079-18 for further information about this announcement. Or submit any questions via email.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) will be performing an automated data fix to adjust service segments (i.e. split service authorizations) on all applicable FY 2018/19 plans to account for the new VF/EA FMS organization, Palco, Inc. After the data fix and once notified that the participant has transitioned to Palco, Inc., AEs and SCOs should review each impacted ISP to determine if the data fix adjusted the plan appropriately to meet the needs of the individual. SCs/SCOs should collaborate with AEs to confirm if any additional ISP changes are required and perform critical revisions as needed.

The anticipated Data Fix Implementation Date is Thursday August 30, 2018. Please refer to ODP Communication Number 078-18 for instructions to handle this transition process.  For further information and questions regarding this process, contact your ODP PDS Regional Lead.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) issued three announcements recently regarding training opportunities available to providers of service.

ODP Communication Number 074-18 announces the Fall/Winter 2018 schedule of face to face Medication Administration classroom training sessions. The Medication Administration program provides instruction in a train-the-trainer format. Classes are offered throughout PA beginning at the end of August and are scheduled through December 2018. Classes are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis, based upon successful completion of prerequisite examinations. Space is limited and some locations fill quickly. Others may be cancelled if enrollment is too low. Please visit Pennsylvania’s Medication Administration Program to see an overview and frequently asked questions about the program.

ODP Communication Number 075-18 announces the availability of more sessions of the two day, Person-Centered Thinking training over the next several months. Person-Centered Thinking is a core concept at the foundation of the services and supports provided to people with intellectual disabilities and autism in Pennsylvania. People with disabilities, self-advocates, families, and other stakeholders are invited to come and learn about Person-Centered Thinking and how it can be used to enhance the quality of life of the people we support. This is a professional development opportunity. Training begins at 9:00 am and ends at 4:00 pm. You must attend both days in order to complete the training and receive a certificate of attendance.

ODP Communication Number 076-18 announces that ODP is requiring newly enrolling providers of Residential Habilitation services to complete the ODP-approved Dual Diagnosis Training curriculum. Providers who are currently in the process of becoming qualified to provide Residential Habilitation services in the Consolidated, Community Living and Adult Autism Waivers, and Adult and Community Autism Program (ACAP), or who may be interested in enrolling to be a provider of Residential Habilitation services and Administrative Entities (AE), will be required to complete this training. This applies to new Residential Habilitation providers who will be enrolled and qualified to provide these services effective September 1, 2018 and thereafter.

This requirement is implemented based on the recommendation of ODP’s residential stakeholders (via the statewide Residential Strategic Thinking Work Group), as well as the experience of our Regional Clinical Directors and Benjamin Settlement implementation leads. It was determined that many new Residential Habilitation providers will need additional training in order to support individuals with complex needs. To expand the clinical capacity of our Residential Habilitation services, ODP is strengthening the training standards for newly enrolling Residential Habilitation providers. Completion of the Dual Diagnosis Training course by these providers ensures that they are both knowledgeable and equipped to meet the needs of individuals with complex challenges and protects these individuals’ ongoing health and safety.

Contact Carol Ferenz, RCPA IDD Division Director, with questions.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) released a listing of resource accounts that provided stakeholders with more specific information on whom they could contact with their questions, suggestions, and issues in 2017. A resource account is an email box that is dedicated to a specific group or process. ODP has recently updated the Resource Account Listing on MyODP.

Additionally, ODP periodically updates a listing of communications that have been deemed obsolete. Communication Number 073-18 lists Communication Numbers, titles, and links to all communications that have been archived since the release of Announcement 082-16 on November 10, 2016. Contact Carol Ferenz, RCPA IDD Division Director, with any questions.