Authors Posts by Carol Ferenz

Carol Ferenz


Governor Wolf issued an official proclamation declaring March as National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. The proclamation highlights initiatives launched by the Wolf administration and the Department of Human Services (DHS), as well as the importance of the Information Sharing and Advisory Committee (ISAC) and the “Everyday Lives: Values in Action.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has announced that there are now additional sessions of the face-to-face training available. The new Community Participation Supports service included in the Consolidated and Person/Family Directed Support (P/FDS) Waivers requires all staff to complete a department approved training on Community Participation Support by July 1, 2018. The Train the Trainer version of the Community Participation Supports for Direct Support Professionals is a hybrid of the online and face-to-face training, and prepares agency staff responsible for training Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) in the Community Participation Supports curriculum. Attendance at one of the sessions is required to access Train the Trainer materials and to provide the instructor-led training. For more information, see the full OPD announcement here.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) announced that it has made available the draft Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Provider Self-Assessment Tools for public comment. Providers of the following services will be required to complete the HCBS Provider Self-Assessment in response to the HCBS Settings Rule published by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in 2014:

  • Community Participation Support in the Consolidated, Person/Family-Directed Support and/or Community Living Waivers
  • Day Habilitation in the Adult Autism Waiver and/or Adult Community Autism Program
  • Residential Habilitation in the Consolidated Waiver and/or Adult Autism Waiver
  • Life Sharing in the Consolidated and/or Community Living waivers
  • Family Living in the Adult Autism Waiver

The HCBS Settings Rule requires that states assess all residential and non-residential settings which receive funding or payment through an approved HCBS waiver. The intent of the HCBS Settings Rule is to:

  • Ensure individuals receiving HCBS have full access to benefits of community living and the opportunity to receive services in the most integrated setting appropriate;
  • Enhance the quality of HCBS; and
  • Provide protections to participants.

ODP piloted draft HCBS Provider Self-Assessment tools for non-residential and residential services in January 2018. Adjustments to the self-assessment instruments were made based on feedback received through the pilot.

The PA HCBS Residential Provider Self-Assessment and PA HCBS Non-Residential Provider Self-Assessment are available for public comment until Friday, March 16, 2018.

Comments should be submitted via email or mailed to:

Julie Mochon, Department of Human Services
Office of Developmental Programs
625 Forster Street, Room 510
Harrisburg, PA 17120

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) announced that a new supports coordinator (SC) orientation course is now available on MyODP. The title of the course is You are the Keystone for Individuals and Families. New supports coordinators and targeted supports managers (TSM) must complete the ODP required SC Orientation Curriculum, including this new course. The SC Orientation Curriculum must be completed within 30 days of hire and completed prior to a new SC or TSM working independently with an individual.

Though the entire SC curriculum is required for a new SC or TSM, this specific course provides valuable information, useful for a refresher at any time for any SC or TSM, about their role in the context of the human services system in which he or she works to support individuals and families.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has announced that a change will be made in the Community Living Waiver regarding an 18 month limitation on vocational skill development in the Community Participation Support service definition. Currently, the Community Living Waiver service definition specifies that the vocational skill development activities could not be authorized for more than 18 months. After further consultation with stakeholders, ODP has determined that they will not implement this requirement. In the near future, ODP will be issuing a waiver amendment for public comment, and this change will be a part of the amendment. The announcement is available here.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has reissued this alert due to the severity of the flu this year and the high number of flu cases being reported nationally. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are reporting this year’s flu season is now more intense than any since 2009. This reissued alert has been updated to include emergency warning signs that indicate that is it imperative to go to the emergency room to seek treatment.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) announced the issuance of the final public notice for proposed fee schedule rates and department-established fees, as well as the public notice for the proposed rate-setting methodology, which are available in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.

Two notices were published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin Volume 48, Number 4 on Saturday, January 27, 2018. The first notice informs stakeholders of the final fee schedule rates and department-established fees for Fiscal Year 2017/2018. The title of the notice is Fee Schedule Rates and Department-Established Fees for Consolidated and Person/Family Directed Support Waivers Services, Targeted Services Management and the Community Intellectual Disability Base-Funded Program.

The second notice informs stakeholders of the cost-based methodology for Fiscal Year 2017/2018. The title of the notice is Rate Setting Methodology for Consolidated and Person/Family Directed Support Waiver-Funded and Base-Funded Service for Individuals Participating in the Office of Developmental Programs Service System.

As a result of public comments received in response to the notices regarding the proposed rate setting methodology and proposed fee scheduled rates released in the summer of 2017, the department made changes to Agency with Choice/Financial Management Services, rates for In-Home and Community Support and Respite (15 Minute and Day) services effective July 1, 2017.

The announcement provides links to the two notices in the Pennsylvania Bulletin as well as a summary of comments received and the department’s responses, and a link to the DHS website.

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As many of you are aware, on December 1, 2017, a significant increase went into effect for the cost to obtain state police criminal background checks. The fee jumped from $8.00 to $22.00. This jump in cost can have a significant impact on an organization’s operating budget, especially due to the amount of staff turnover in direct care positions.

In addition, Governor Wolf’s draft legislation to amend the Older Adult Protective Services Act includes a new requirement that new employees working with our elderly adults must also obtain an FBI clearance, regardless of length of residency in Pennsylvania. The cost of the FBI check is currently $22.60. Together, these requirements could add an additional $36.60 to the cost of each potential hire.

RCPA is asking our members to participate in a very brief survey (just 2 questions) to help us assess the impact of these changes. Please respond by close of business on Thursday, February 1, 2018. For further information contact Carol Ferenz.