Authors Posts by Carol Ferenz

Carol Ferenz


The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has shared ODPANN 23-068: 2023–2024 Temple Peer Review Process Beginning. The purpose of this announcement is to communicate the beginning of the 2023–2024 Peer Review process conducted by Temple University’s Quality Investigations Unit (QIU). This involves the creation of a survey to obtain updated provider information, informing providers that the Peer Review process will include the tracking of certification/recertification dates of each CI who conducted the investigation that was reviewed, and informing stakeholders of staff changes within the QIU.

Please review the announcement for details.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has announced the third annual publication of the Resource Guide for Supporting Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing Individuals. The purpose of this guide is to offer resources in one central location for those who support or care for someone who is Deaf, Hard of Hearing, or DeafBlind and receives supports from ODP. The guide provides some of the most frequently accessed resources to assist in addressing the unique needs of these populations, such as information about American Sign Language (ASL) courses, home modifications, assistive technology, a foundational organizations directory, and so much more!

Development of this guide included input from individuals within the Deaf, DeafBlind, hard of hearing, and hearing communities and will be revised annually by ODP’s Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing Advisory Committee. This guide will also be available in the near future on MyODP under Training > Special Populations > Deaf Services.

For questions, please email ODP Deaf Services.

The Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) shared that, after August 1, 2023, trainers will be able to create their own Student and Practicum Observer classes on the Med Admin platform. The class creation request form will no longer be used after this date. Starting on August 2, 2023, trainers will create their own classes as needed and will no longer request class creation via the help desk. To learn about class creation, DHS will be hosting a training webinar on August 1 from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm. This training is required for all Med Admin Trainers, as it will provide a walkthrough on how to create your own classes in the new system.

Register for the webinar here.

Message From ANCOR:

In a notable development, the Recognizing the Role of Direct Support Professionals Act has progressed to the committee markup stage in the Senate’s Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee (HSGAC). The Recognizing the Role of Direct Support Professionals Act has been a key legislative priority for ANCOR. This legislation aims to establish a Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) for Direct Support Professionals (DSPs). Its passage would officially recognize direct support as a profession and tackle the recruitment and retention crisis that has impacted the availability of professionals supporting people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) in home and community-based settings.

ANCOR, along with its coalition partners, has been a steadfast advocate for the establishment of a SOC for DSPs and wrote a statement of support to HSGAC on this significant legislation. The workforce crisis in community disability services has resulted in alarming turnover and vacancy rates, leading to limited access to crucial and often life-saving services for individuals with I/DD. According to the latest data from National Core Indicators, DSP turnover stood at 43.3% at the end of 2021, with 16.5% of full-time direct support positions and 20.3% of part-time positions remaining vacant.

The establishment of a distinct SOC for DSPs would enable the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics to accurately capture employment and wage data specific to this profession. This, in turn, would support state and federal agencies in making informed policy decisions concerning the Medicaid Home and Community Based Services program. Furthermore, it would facilitate the development of precise payment rates, addressing the negative and enduring effects on DSP workforce retention and recruitment. Shannon McCracken, ANCOR’s vice president for government relations, emphasized, “When we eventually see the Recognizing the Role of Direct Support Professionals Act become law, we will look back on it as a pivotal moment in the history of our service delivery system—a moment when we made a collective choice to stop undervaluing the services that connect people with I/DD to their communities.”

The bill was introduced by Senators Maggie Hassan (D-NH) and Susan Collins (R-ME) in the Senate, along with Representatives Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) and Joe Morelle (D-NY) in the House. Their bipartisan efforts reflect the importance of addressing the workforce crisis and improving the support provided to people with I/DD.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has shared ODPANN 23-067: Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-2024 Supports Broker Recertification Training. The purpose of this communication is to announce that Department-approved Supports Broker recertification training is available for the first seven months of Fiscal Year 2023/24. Please review the announcement for the available dates, and note that registration information will be forthcoming.