Authors Posts by Sharon Militello

Sharon Militello

As communications director, Sharon Militello is responsible for the design, development, and maintenance of the association website and social media pages; editing and preparation of communications; preparing and running webcasts; cultivating media relations; and maintaining relationships with technology support vendors.

As the State of Pennsylvania transitions through the various stages associated with COVID-19 (Red to yellow and yellow to green), the state will also begin to make a transition from full telehealth services to starting to phase in some face-to-face services. RCPA recently participated in a conference call with staff from the Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) to provide our feedback on how to begin this transition, things to consider as we transition, etc. One concept we discussed is using a person-centered approach, as individuals differ in their readiness to resume face-to-face or group activities and in their ability to benefit from either treatment modality. They are specifically interested in your input on how this process has gone, what worked, what didn’t work, etc. In order to obtain your feedback, we created a Survey Monkey for you to complete. Your input will help shape how telehealth will look now and in the future. We need to have this feedback provided to OLTL by early next week as they want to use this to help draft their guidance to providers. Surveys should be completed by close of business on Monday, June 1, 2020.