Authors Posts by Sharon Militello

Sharon Militello

As communications director, Sharon Militello is responsible for the design, development, and maintenance of the association website and social media pages; editing and preparation of communications; preparing and running webcasts; cultivating media relations; and maintaining relationships with technology support vendors.

In ODP Memo 057-16, ODP shares details about upcoming forums for certified investigators (CIs). The forums are an opportunity for CIs and other interested parties to learn about changes to the ODP CI program, as well as to receive technical assistance and hear about best practices. There will be two sessions held on Thursday, September 8. Registration closes September 1. Details about how to register are included in the memo. The forums are sponsored by ODP and Temple University’s Institute on Protective Services.

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Yesterday, the General Assembly passed and the governor signed the remaining bills to enact the current fiscal year’s spending plan of $31.5 billion. To pay for the general appropriations bill, the Legislature adopted several tax increases and some new revenue streams. The cigarette tax was increased another $1/pack while e-cigarettes, roll-your-own cigarettes, and smokeless tobacco have now been added as taxable items.

Additionally, lottery winnings will now be assessed a PIT and a sales tax will be imposed on digital downloading of books, music, satellite radio, and streaming audio/video. The tax on table games was also increased by 2%, but will sunset in five years. Revenue streams for the fiscal year are also dependent upon several non-recurring sources; i.e., a number of transfers contained in the fiscal code such as transfers from:

  • The tobacco settlement – $28.5 million;
  • Recycling fund – $9 million;
  • The Building Pennsylvania program – $12 million;
  • The Volunteer Companies Loan Fund – $9 million;
  • The Alternative Fuels Incentive Fund – $5 million; and
  • Several gaming licensure fees.

Please contact Jack Phillips with any questions.

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Early yesterday evening, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives approved the changes made in the Senate by a 144-54 vote and sent SB 1073, the general appropriations (GA) bill, to the governor. The approved GA bill increases spending by $1.5 billion, or an increase of 5%. Even though the General assembly sent the GA bill to the Governor, the House and Senate still must come up with the revenues necessary to pay for the appropriations as set forth in the bill.

ODP has released the following information:

OPD Bulletin 00-16-05: Regulations – Use of Appropriate Terminology; the purpose of this bulletin is to announce the publication of amended regulations to include appropriate terminology. The rulemaking promotes respect, community integration, and an array of opportunities for an individual with an intellectual disability, by using words that are positive and up-to-date.

ODP Announcement 042-16: Fiscal Year (FY) 2016-2017 Consolidated and Person/Family Directed Support (P/FDS) Waivers Proposed Department Established Fees for Waiver Eligible Services, Residential Ineligible Services and Targeted Services Management (TSM)