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It has come to RCPA’s attention that individuals with disabilities lack choice and providers lack referrals due to the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) confusing service description for Benefits Counseling. In September of 2022, ODP sponsored 25 Pennsylvania employment support professionals representing 18 providers (five of whom are RCPA members) across the state to take part in training through Cornell University’s Work Incentive Practitioner Credential Program, which was facilitated by the K. Lisa Yang and Hock E. Tan Institute on Employment and Disability. Of the participating providers, only one is an Employment Network, suggesting that, once certified, 17 providers would be relying on referrals from ODP and the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) to provide the Benefits Counseling service.

Although ODP offers the service to Pennsylvanians in the Community Living, Consolidated, and PF/DS waivers, Benefits Counseling remains an underutilized service across the Commonwealth. This is not due to a lack of certified counselors, however. Since approximately 2008, language in the Benefits Counseling service description has stipulated the following rule:

“Benefits Counseling may only be provided after Benefits Counseling services provided by a Certified Work Incentives Counselor through a Pennsylvania-based federal Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA) program were sought and it was determined and documented by the Supports Coordinator that such services were not available either because of ineligibility or because of wait lists that would result in services not being available within 30 calendar days” (ISP Manual updated 08/09/2022).

Please view the following document for more detailed information about this issue. Additionally, if any providers are also experiencing barriers to accessing the Benefits Counseling service due to ODP’s conditions, or for anyone interested in advocating for program participants to receive this valuable service in the manner of their choice, please reach out to Eileen Campbell, Benefits Counselor & Special Projects Coordinator at Lighthouse Vocational Services, via email or at (717) 354-0355.

Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation (PATF) is proud to share their organization’s growth in their 2022–2023 Impact Report.

“Over the past year, we have successfully expanded our reach and developed innovative programs to meet the needs of people with disabilities and older adults, ensuring that they have access to the assistive technology (AT) and services they want.”

But that’s not all — 2023 marks a momentous occasion for Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation (PATF), as they celebrate their 25th anniversary! The Impact Report includes a timeline that details their amazing achievements in the disability community over the past quarter century.

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Next Monday is Juneteenth, a federally recognized holiday commemorating the emancipation of people who were enslaved in the United States. If you haven’t yet planned a way to celebrate, there’s still time!

The best Juneteenth celebration ideas for the office are activities that allow participants to learn about the history behind the holiday. For example, hosting a lunch-and-learn session, inviting a guest speaker, and watching documentaries are great ways to educate employees on the importance of Juneteenth. Planning special Juneteenth ideas at work shows employees that you care about the meaning behind the holiday. In addition, celebrating in the office is a great way to boost employee engagement while strengthening diversity and inclusion at your company.

In her article 15 Great Juneteenth Ideas for Work, Tasia Duske outlines practical ideas to help you plan and implement Juneteenth activities for a meaningful celebration. Some ideas to consider:

  • Did you know” social media campaign
  • Office art display
  • Wall of quotes
  • Black-owned business gift box
  • Trivia game
  • Donation drive
  • Paid time off
  • Lunch-and-learn
  • Movie night
  • Lunch outing
  • Book club
  • Guest speaker engagement
  • Potluck barbeque
  • Reflection circle
  • Workplace décor

RCPA would love to hear from you! Let us know how your organization plans to celebrate Juneteenth and send us photos to share! You can send your items to Cindi Hobbes.