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The Pennsylvania Department of Human Services released Medical Assistance Bulletin 99-24-03 on May 28, 2024, detailing updates to the Medical Assistance (MA) Program Fee Schedule based on the 2024 Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) changes. These updates include new codes such as 90867, 90868, and 90869 for transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) treatment billing, along with additional modifications to other procedure codes, setting of limitations, fee adjustments, and new prior authorization requirements effective from the same date. This bulletin applies to all providers serving MA beneficiaries under the Fee-for-Service system and those in the MA Managed Care system should contact their respective organizations for specific billing guidance.

For more detailed information, read the full bulletin here.

If you have any other questions, please contact RCPA COO and Policy Director Jim Sharp.

This webinar is for all interested stakeholders. Presentation topics from Dr. Rabea Khadimi and Dr. Antonie Auguste will include an overview of psychiatric, neurologic, and cognitive manifestations and side effects of some infectious diseases in medically complex adults. This webinar has been rescheduled from June 19 to June 21, 2024, from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm.

If you previously registered for this session, you have remained registered; however, your calendar invitation will not update automatically. Please be sure to reschedule this event on your calendar. This webinar will also be uploaded to the MyODP Webinars page after the event.

Register for the event here.

Image by Wokandapix from Pixabay

The 2024 PA LGBTQ+ Health Needs Assessment aims to enhance the health and well-being of the LGBTQ+ community. This survey intends to identify health disparities, barriers to care, and potential strategies for improvement as well as to understand the health care experiences and wellbeing of LGBTQ+ Pennsylvanians to inform future discussions and actions. It is available in English and Spanish and will remain open until August. Participation is open to LGBTQ+ residents of Pennsylvania who are 13 years or older. The survey maintains anonymity and confidentiality. The Pennsylvania Department of Health is sponsoring the survey, which is being conducted by Bradbury Sullivan LGBT Community Center and Public Health Management Corporation (PHMC).

The Pennsylvania Homecare Association (PHA), the Pennsylvania Association of Home and Community-Based Services, and the Rehabilitation & Community Providers Association (RCPA) provided feedback on House Bill 2372, sponsored by Reps. Jessica Benham and Jason Ortitay. The bill seeks to improve agency accountability and ensure livable wages for home care workers in Pennsylvania by increasing state funding for personal assistance services. The associations support the bill but recommended uniform wage increases across all care models and a standardized rate review process every three years. They also expressed concerns about burdensome funding allocations and reporting requirements as well as provisions that could disproportionately affect nonprofit agencies by linking enhanced rates to tax status.

The groups emphasized the need to focus on investments in workforce development and quality care rather than imposing arbitrary financial mandates. They advocated for collaborative efforts to create a sustainable future for home-based care, ensuring high-quality services for Pennsylvania’s aging population.

For more details, read the full letter here.

The Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) has announced the launch of a Rate Study to be conducted by Mercer for Personal Assistance, Adult Day, Structured Adult Day, Residential Habilitation, and Employment Services. This study is intended to inform the 2025/26 budget process. You can view details for the Rate Study here. Key dates for this process include:

  • June 2024: The release of the Provider Survey. RCPA will share it with members as soon as it becomes available.
  • June Provider Meeting: A discussion of the Rate Study components.
  • July 2: The LTSS Subcommittee Meeting.
  • July 18 Provider Meeting: Details to come and will be shared once available.
  • September 4: LTSS Subcommittee Meeting to discuss the Rate Study results.

For more information, please contact Fady Sahhar.

Get ready to see both new speakers and fan favorites at the RCPA 2024 Conference this September! Attendees will be able to listen to and interact with these speakers and more in person at the Hershey Lodge September 24 – 27. With over sixty sessions, you won’t want to miss this opportunity to learn from and engage with those pushing the boundaries in health and human services! Our lineup of speakers will include:
  • Michael Cohen: Returning to share Part 2 of his “Be a Destination Employer,” Michael will present on the latest in HR and workforce issues;
  • Inspirational speaker Craig Dietz: Born without limbs, Craig will discuss finding one’s potential despite life’s obstacles;
  • CEO Lee Yaiva: Lee will take attendees on his journey from addiction and living on a reservation to becoming CEO of the Arizona Scottsdale Recovery Center;
  • President and CEO Amy Thurston: Amy will educate audiences on human trafficking and highlight how her organization Hope Inspire Love fights against human trafficking and exploitation; and
  • Natasha Nicolai: A leader in Data and Digital Transformation, Natasha will outline how companies can implement a modern data architecture utilizing Cloud data sharing technology.
Registration information will be coming in the near future, so be sure to save the dates!

If your organization is interested in sponsoring or exhibiting at our conference, you can complete our Sponsors, Exhibitors, and Advertisers Brochure or contact Carol Ferenz, Conference Coordinator. Spaces are filling up, so don’t delay!

We look forward to sharing more details in the near future and would like to extend a thank you to those organizations who have already pledged support for the conference! View our current sponsors and exhibitors on the RCPA Conference website!

As described in ODPANN 24-041, providers were to request the subject payments no later than May 15. As of June 4, 2024, the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has processed the subject payments for all providers who have applied. These payments should be visible on the provider’s Remittance Advice on June 17, 2024, at the highest billing service location.