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The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has updated the AAW Provider Information Table and published ODP Announcement 22-038 to reflect the April 1, 2022, waiver amendment. Amended sections and new text in the table are highlighted in gray. The updated Provider Information Table includes these highlights:

  • Clarification that the waiver cannot be used to fund home accessibility durable medical equipment that is covered under the Medical Assistance State Plan.
  • Clarification of delivery of services while the participant is hospitalized. The requirements in the waiver will become effective when Appendix K flexibilities expire, six months after the expiration of the federal COVID-19 public health emergency.
  • Extension of timeframes for staff training or credentialing for employment-related service.
  • Increase in the threshold for obtaining an independent evaluation for assistive technology devices.
  • Clarification on the inclusion of physical restraints in the behavioral support plan.
  • Requirements for obtaining criminal history clearances for staff.
  • Aligning level of care reevaluation procedures with current practice.
  • Other changes designed to align the AAW, where practical, more closely with the Consolidated, Person/Family Directed Support and Community Living waivers.
  • Expanded sections on provider qualifications for each service.

Providers are reminded that they are responsible for being aware of any changes to definitions of services they provide and ensuring that individuals furnishing direct services are fully qualified before providing services to AAW participants.

The AAW amendment effective April 1, 2022, is available on the Department of Human Services’ website or here.

Questions or comments about this communication can be sent to ODP via email.

The next Managed Long-Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) Subcommittee meeting has been scheduled via webinar for May 10, 2022, from 10:00 am–1:00 pm.

To participate in the meeting via webinar, please register by visiting the link below. When registering, please verify that you entered your email address correctly. You will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar if you registered correctly.

Webinar Registration Link: Please note that if you have trouble accessing the webinar registration through the Internet Explorer or Safari web browsers, you should try accessing it through a different web browser, such as Chrome or Edge.

Dial In Number: (562) 247-8422
Access Code: 640768989#

Remote Captioning and Streaming Link

Lawmakers are hearing from us.

Since the governor unveiled his 2022/23 budget proposal in February, more than 3,327 individuals have contacted their local state senators and representatives urging them to address the workforce crisis affecting Pennsylvania’s human services sectors.

Now we want them to see us, too.

Our new video is airing on television in select markets and getting shared widely across social media channels. VISIT HERE to watch the TV spot.

April is a critical month for us. With budget hearings finished, the House and Senate are in session for only a few weeks before they take a break again to campaign for the May 17 primary election.

Make sure they hear from you today.

If you haven’t done so already, please reach out and urge lawmakers to increase funding to support human services professionals so individuals and families in need get the support and care they deserve. Ask your networks to do the same.

And be sure to share our video on your social media pages, too.

It’s so important for us to share the story about how this workforce crisis is affecting individuals and families in need, as well as the providers and professionals who want to serve them.

To share the video, check out our Facebook and Twitter pages where we have the videos posted. Be sure to “like” it and share it with your followers. Don’t forget to tag @directcareworks and use the #DirectCarePA and #PABudget hashtags so we can ensure as many people as possible see it.

Most importantly, TAKE ACTION TODAY. Tell lawmakers to increase funding to address the workforce crisis facing Pennsylvania’s health and human services.

Thank you for your continued support.

RCPA invites you to sponsor, exhibit, and advertise for the in-person 2022 Conference: “Together!” Our event will focus on face-to-face sessions and networking, with a mobile app available for attendees to connect with vendors, sponsors, and exhibitors on-site. Please note that there will be no hybrid or virtual-only options. This event will be in-person only with no plans to change to virtual. We want to focus on being Together!

2022 Virtual Everyday Lives Conference

An Everyday Life in a Changing World: A Focus on Wellness and Resilience
The Pennsylvania Office of Developmental Programs invites you to register for the 2022 Virtual Everyday Lives Conference! The Everyday Lives Conference seeks to provide valuable information to individuals with an intellectual disability and/or autism, their families, and support professionals to help empower individuals to live their ideal everyday lives.

The conference is free for individuals and families, and $50 for professionals. Registration allows access to all virtual conference sessions. To register online, visit the Everyday Lives website and click on the Registration tab. You can also mail in your registration using the form attached.

Conference Lineup
The conference lineup, including presenters and presentation topics, is now available to view at the Everyday Lives website under the Schedule tab.

Conference Dates and Tracks

May 17, 2022
Communication and Connection

May 24–May 25, 2022
Community of Practice for Supporting Families
Regional Collaborative Summit

June 1, 2022
Supportive Technology

June 8–June 9, 2022
Dual Diagnosis

June 16, 2022

This announcement is to inform stakeholders of ARPA funds that are available to AEs to disperse in order to meet Respite and/or the Family Driven Support Services (FDSS) needs of individuals on the waiting list who do not currently receive waiver funded services. This communication is intended to:

  • Describe eligibility criteria for the use of these funds;
  • Describe eligible expenditures;
  • Describe responsibilities of counties in allocating funding; and
  • Describe reporting requirements.

An FAQ is included to address common questions about this program as well as a Family Support Funds tracker for reporting use of the funds.