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The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is extending the methadone take-home flexibilities for one year, effective upon the eventual expiration of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE). This exemption is a continuation of the take-home medication flexibilities that SAMHSA put in place in March 2020 and is in keeping with the newly announced Health and Human Services (HHS) Overdose Prevention Strategy. SAMHSA is also considering mechanisms to make this flexibility permanent. Visit here for more information.

HB 1995, which would require the Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP) to go through the regulatory review process any time it makes changes that would affect licensed drug and alcohol treatment providers, today passed the House of Representatives and heads to the Senate for concurrence. The next scheduled Senate session days are December 13–15.

The bill, sponsored by Rep. Carrie Lewis-DelRosso, specifically outlines the following instances in which DDAP would be required to promulgate regulations:

  • The implementation of new or additional licensing requirements for drug and alcohol facilities;
  • The implementation of new or additional drug and alcohol staff credentialing requirements;
  • The implementation of new or additional drug and alcohol counselor staffing ratios; and
  • The implementation of new or major programmatic changes and requirements imposed on drug and alcohol facilities, including the requirement of adding programs that significantly increase the cost of delivering care and meeting staffing requirements.

The legislation includes any proposed regulatory requirement not currently in effect or any regulatory requirement that the General Assembly has delayed through legislation.

Contact Jason Snyder, Director of Drug and Alcohol Division, with any questions.

The Pennsylvania Department of Health, in partnership with the Northwestern Pennsylvania Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Coalition and the Ohio Perinatal Quality Collaborative, have created the NAS Family Guide Toolkit to help educate families and individuals about NAS, treatment options, and other supports. Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) is a group of withdrawal symptoms in newborns that show up after being exposed to medications or substances, most often opioids, benzodiazepines, and/or barbiturates, during pregnancy.

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The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently issued their revised and final guidance on hospital co-location with other hospitals or health care facilities. The guidance provides clarification on how CMS and state surveyors will evaluate space and ‎service sharing arrangements for compliance with the Medicare conditions of participation (CoP). The guidance appears to loosen some restrictions relative to some past interpretations by ‎surveyors.

The Partnership on Inclusive Apprenticeship released a guide on “Creating Inclusive Virtual & Hybrid Apprenticeships: What Apprentice Learned During COVID-19.” This guide discusses how Apprentice, a technology apprenticeship intermediary, successfully transitioned to a 100% virtual environment during the COVID-19 pandemic. Their experience shows how apprenticeship programs can actively transform their business models to recruit and support apprentices with disabilities. The guide offers valuable insights, approaches and lessons learned to help other organizations shift to remote work. Read “Creating Inclusive Virtual & Hybrid Apprenticeships: What Apprentice Learned During COVID-19” here.

ODP Announcement 21-081 informs providers that the Heightened Scrutiny Onsite Tools for Non-Residential Service Locations has been finalized and posted for stakeholders to view. The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) is also using this communication to address some of the comments and concerns that were received through public comment.

While the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in significant delays in performing the onsite visits, ODP will now be continuing with the Heightened Scrutiny process for Community Participation Support (CPS) and Day Habilitation service locations to meet the CMS requirement that all waiver providers must be in full compliance with the Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Settings Rule no later than March 17, 2023.