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English edition (Spanish edition is below)

Are you a person with an Intellectual Disability? Autism? Family member? Staff member?

We are listening and learning! Share your experience with race and racism.

Please assist the Information Sharing and Advisory committee (ISAC) in disseminating the ‘’We are listening and learning’’ Survey. This survey is aimed at identifying and understanding any racial inequity within the Office of Developmental Programs’ (ODP) service system. Information gathered will be used to guide ISAC future planning activities. Survey takers are anonymous. Those who wish to provide additional information after taking the survey should contact Grace Cooper via email at c-gracefaycooper@temple.edu.

Survey will be closed on May 2, 2021.

Links to take survey — Spanish & English


Edición en español

¿Es usted una persona con discapacidad intellectual? ¿Autismo? ¿Familiar? ¿Miembro de personal?

¡Estamos escuchando y aprendiendo! Comparta su experiencia con la raza y el racismo.

Por favor, ayude al Comité de Intercambio de Información y Consulta, conocido con sus siglas en inglés como (ISAC), a correr la voz sobre la Encuesta de Equidad Racial (adjunta). Esta encuesta tiene como objetivo identificar y comprender cualquier inequidad racial dentro del sistema de servicios de la Oficina de Programas de Desarrollo, conocida con sus siglas en inglés como (ODP). La información obtenida se utilizará para guiar las actividades de planificación futuras de ISAC. Su participación en la encuesta es anónima. Aquellos/as que deseen dar información adicional después de completar la encuesta deben correo electrónico a c-gracefaycooper@temple.edu.

La encuesta se cerrará en May 2, 2021.

Enlaces para realizar la encuesta español & inglés


Earlier this month, the Department of Human Services launched the We Can Work! campaign — an effort to educate the public about employment support and opportunities for people with disabilities and how DHS’ programs can help facilitate job connections and training programs.

The campaign also focuses on sharing the stories of people who use DHS services and have enriching employment while still maintaining supports through Medicaid. The campaign features Yasom and Josie, who both receive services and supports through DHS programs. Ads are running on social media and other digital platforms through early summer.

The We Can Work! website includes the following:

  • how people with disabilities can see if they qualify for Medicaid
  • employment supports for people covered by Medicaid
  • additional resources for people seeking employment
  • Josie’s and Yasom’s stories

If you have feedback or suggestions for the website, we welcome it so we can develop this resource further over time. If you have an employment story you’d like to share or other feedback, please email the DHS’ office directly.

The following grant opportunities are now open in the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) Egrants System:

Funding Announcement Title: 2021 Drug Court and Pretrial Diversion Initiative
Plan Year: 2020
Release Date: 4/15/2021
Due Date: 6/15/2021
Concept Papers Required: No
Competitive/Noncompetitive: Competitive
Amount Announced: $2,000,000.00

Funding Announcement Title: 2021 County Jail-Based MAT Program
Plan Year: 2020
Release Date: 4/15/2021
Due Date: 6/15/2021
Concept Papers Required: No
Competitive/Noncompetitive: Competitive
Amount Announced: $2,000,000.00

You must be registered with PCCD to access the Egrants System. If you are not registered, go to the PCCD Egrants website and select Register. Once your registration is accepted, select the Login button. Enter the User ID and Password established when you registered, and log into the system through the Egrants Production link. Then you will see the User Management Profile Details page. You must save this information in order to access the system.

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

The next RCPA Member Update webinar is scheduled for Monday, April 26, 2021 from 2:00 pm–4:00 pm. We previously announced that Jen Swails, Budget Secretary, will be presenting and available for Q&A/discussion.

Following this presentation, RCPA has teamed up with Synergi Partners, the largest privately-owned tax credit and business incentive processer, to bring you the latest information surrounding the CARES Act Employee Retention Credit (ERC). The ERC allows businesses and non-government nonprofit organizations, including health and human service providers impacted by COVID-19, to receive a refundable, above the line Federal payroll tax credit.

Many human service providers are unaware that they may qualify for the ERC. During this webinar we will discuss eligibility, the expansion and extension of the ERC, compare the differences between 2020 and 2021 legislation, and showcase how the ERC can potentially benefit your organization.

Please register here to attend this webinar. If you have previously registered for this meeting to hear the Secretary Swails portion, you do NOT need to register again. We look forward to your participation!