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Photo by Kane Reinholdtsen on Unsplash

The Early Bird registration deadline for Pennsylvania’s 21st Children’s Interagency Conference has been extended to March 15, 2024. From April 22 – April 25, 2024, the event will be held at the Penn Stater Hotel in State College, PA, focusing on the theme “Shining The Light on Mental Health: Building Youth Wellness & Resilience.” Keynote speakers Dani Bowman, Anthony Cammilleri, and Victor Armstrong will address attendees on April 22, 2024. The conference is organized by the PA Department of Human Services, Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, Bureau of Children’s Behavioral Health Services, and the PA Care Partnership. Registration is now open at the 21st Children’s Interagency Conference Registration web page. For more information about the conference, visit the conference website. For assistance, contact conference planner Katrina Harris.

If you have any further questions, please contact Jim Sharp, RCPA Mental Health Policy Director.

Concept of important day, reminder, organizing time and schedule - red pen marking day of the month on a calendar

The Role of HCBS Waiver Services in Supporting Families
April 4, 2024
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm (CT)
Register Now

Due to unforeseen circumstances that are beyond their control, the Best Practice Series scheduled for March will now be in April.

Note: If you already registered before the date change, you do not need to register again. You will be sent a separate email with the updated zoom link for the new date.

 The Best Practice Series introduces and elevates best practices related to supporting families. Each session will feature a panel of individuals or organizations who will address key recommendations from the National Agenda through their lens of:

  • Grassroots Advocacy
  • “Practice Level” Implementation
  • States Service System
  • Federal Policies
  • Research

In this session, they will focus on Recommendation 4: The redesign of waiver services and supports to focus on quality-of-life outcomes, increase flexibilities, improve access and navigation, and ensure self-determination and self- direction (while also balancing the need to support the family).

NOTE TO INSPECTOR: The word "iridium" on the pen's nib is not a brand: it's the name of the metal of which the nib is made. Thanks. Inky old fountain pen on a $100 bill.

This is a reminder that ODP is requiring Residential Providers and Support Coordination Organizations (SCO) to provide a PDF of their fiscal year-end financial statements. Providers and SCOs will be given nine months after the end of their fiscal year to make the initial submission. For example, if the provider’s fiscal year ended on 6/30/2023, their financial statements must be submitted by 03/31/2024. The link for the statement form is here. You can view the ODP announcement with further details and information here.