Govt. Affairs

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Late last week, the House passed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (HR 6201). The final bill was extensively negotiated between House Democrats and the White House. The bill is now with the Senate for passage early next week. This is the second funding package in the federal response to COVID-19.

The bill proposes:

Increased Federal Funding

  • Provides states with a 6.2% increase on their traditional FMAP for all medical services, if they agree to certain terms.
  • FMAP increase will last the length of the Public Health Emergency.
  • This will not apply to either an expansion or administrative FMAP.
  • No specific rate increase to ensure that relief for the Medicaid states is shared with disability workforce.
  • Provides the territories with a 6.2% increase on their traditional FMAP and a corresponding increase in their allotments for the next two fiscal years.
  • Provides $1 billion in grant funding to help states manage and expand their unemployment insurance programs.

Sick Leave

  • Employees of employers with fewer than 500 employees and government employers, who have been on the job for at least 30 days, with the right take up to 12 weeks of job-protected leave under FMLA to be used for any of the following reasons:
    • To adhere to a requirement or recommendation to quarantine due to exposure to or symptoms of coronavirus;
    • To care for an at-risk family member who is adhering to a requirement or recommendation to quarantine due to exposure to or symptoms of coronavirus; and
    • To care for a child of an employee if the child’s school or place of care has been closed, or the child-care provider is unavailable, due to a coronavirus.
  • After the two weeks of paid leave, employees will receive a benefit from their employers that will be no less than two-thirds of the employee’s usual pay.
  • Employers with 500 or less employees will get all wages associated with the sick leave and FMLA provisions 100% covered via tax credits.
  • Employers with more than 500 employees are excluded.
  • DOL will have the option of exempting workers at any company with fewer than 50 employees, if it determines that providing paid leave “would jeopardize the viability of the business as a going concern.”
  • The caregiving component of the paid sick leave provisions does not cover a family member or other individual stepping in as a caregiver if COVID-19 results in someone losing their usual source of care and does not apply to caring for adults with disabilities.
  • Unlike earlier drafts, it does not establish a permanent paid sick leave entitlement for all families.
  • $15 million for the Internal Revenue Service to implement tax credits for paid sick and paid family and medical leave.
  • Amendments to FMLA would expire in a year and exemptions are available for small businesses.
  • There is no additional funding for SSA to administer these programs.

Testing, Treatment, and Other Medical Provisions

  • Zero cost-sharing in Medicaid program related to testing and diagnosis of COVID-19, waiving all cost sharing for labs and diagnostics.
  • State option to provide coverage for the uninsured for these services through the Medicaid program. Provides states with 100% FMAP for all the services related to the cost sharing for those states taking up this state option.
  • Leaves Medicaid cost-sharing in place for medical services related to treatment of COVID-19.
  • No provisions ensure people with disabilities have access to a 90-day medication and medical supply fills.


  • Waives current prohibitions surrounding the furnishing of telehealth services in the Medicare program, during the current public health emergency, furnishing a service allowable under the Medicare program, even if the program did not pay for such service, is a qualifying relationship.
  • Silent on Medicaid telehealth.

Nutrition Assistance

  • $250 million for the Senior Nutrition program in ACL.
  • $400 million to assist local food banks to meet increased demand for low-income Americans during the emergency. Of the total, $300 million is for the purchase of nutritious foods and $100 million is to support the storage and distribution of the foods.
  • Suspends the work and work training requirements for SNAP during this crisis.

We will continue to share information with our members as we become aware.

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Text of March 13 press release.

HARRISBURG – The House is preparing to return for a historic session week on Monday, March 16. As a result of the Capitol complex being closed to visitors, several committee meetings, hearings and informational sessions have been postponed. Floor proceedings will go on as scheduled with an effort to work as expeditiously as possible to address key issues related to COVID-19. The session schedule could be shortened if legislation to address the virus is agreed upon. There will be no guests in the House chamber or in the gallery.

Legislation to be considered by the House is still being determined as leaders from the House, Senate and the Wolf administration collaborate on the best legislative course of action to assist in the continuing efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19 in Pennsylvania. Discussions are on-going and planned through the weekend to address possible funding, access to health care services, insurance and workplace protection reforms and the scope of a health emergency declaration.

The swearing-in ceremony for Roni Green, recently elected to represent the 190th Legislative District, will proceed as scheduled.

The public is encouraged to follow live web streams of House session and the majority of committee meetings at PAHouseGOP.com. Up to the minute changes to committee meetings and schedules is available at www.legis.state.pa.us. Important information and events may also be viewed by visiting Facebook.com/PAHouseGOP.

Hole torn in a dollar bill with medicaid text

News from ANCOR:


Washington, D.C. – Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden, D-Ore., and all Democratic members of the Finance Committee today called on the Trump administration to end its harmful attacks on the Medicaid program, which provides essential health care to more than 70 million Americans. The letter comes ahead of the committee’s hearing on the president’s budget.

“This Administration in coordination with your Department has taken every opportunity to try to gut Medicaid and put critical health coverage for millions of vulnerable Americans on the chopping block,” the senators wrote. “It is time for the Trump Administration’s ongoing assault on the Medicaid program to end. The public has spoken loud and clear – Medicaid serves as a lifeline to millions of Americans and their loved ones, and they do not want to see it block granted, capped, or gutted.” 

Last month, the Trump administration announced new guidance for the Medicaid program that would hand states a playbook to implement block grants. In return for placing arbitrary funding caps on its Medicaid program, the state would get unprecedented authority to cut benefits and access to care, including prescription drugs, and further restrict coverage by charging unaffordable premiums and cost sharing, and implementing arbitrary paperwork requirements. This week, the Trump administration followed up to their illegal guidance with a budget that proposes to gut Medicaid by nearly $1 trillion, block grant and cap the program, and push their failed paperwork requirements on all states.

Such policies would lead to devastating cuts to Medicaid, jeopardizing affordable, comprehensive care for millions of Americans benefiting from the Medicaid expansion and endangering health care for millions more, including seniors and individuals with disabilities who rely on Medicaid for nursing and home-based care, children and individuals with complex needs who depend on Medicaid to get the help they deserve to stay and thrive in their communities and at school, those suffering from opioid use disorders who count on Medicaid to get the treatment they so desperately need, and individuals impacted by public health emergencies in need of critical care.

The full letter can be found here.

Joining Ranking Member Wyden on the letter are Sens. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., Maria Cantwell, D-Wa., Bob Menendez, D-N.J., Tom Carper. D-Del., Ben Cardin, D-Md., Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, Michael Bennet, D-Colo., Bob Casey, D-Pa., Mark Warner, D-Va., Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., Maggie Hassan, D-N.H., and Catherine Cortez-Masto, D-Nev.

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The US Constitution requires a census of all residents in the entire country every 10 years. The census counts every person living in the US once (and only once) in the right place. You are counted based on where you are living on April 1, 2020. Please encourage individuals that you serve to participate.


Fair representation & legislative redistricting

The Census determines:

  • How many seats PA has in the US House of Representatives
  • How US congressional and state legislative districts are redrawn

$675+ billion in federal public funding
The Census determines how much funding each state receives for the next 10 years.

Pennsylvania receives $26.8 billion each year
That’s $2,000 per Pennsylvanian

The data collected in the 2020 Census will impact the amount of federal funding our communities get for the next decade for programs like…

  • Medicare (Part B)
  • Medicaid
  • CHIP
  • WIC
  • Healthcare Centers

2020 Census will determine how much food support children, adults, and seniors receive…

  • SNAP
  • School Breakfast Program
  • National School Lunch Program
  • Children and Adult Care Food Program

2020 Census will determine how much we invest in the future of our children…

  • Federal Pell Grants
  • Federal Direct Student Loans
  • Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies
  • Special Education Grants
  • Head Start

2020 Census will determine how much PA’s highways, railways, airports, and ports receive…

  • Highway Planning and Construction
  • Federal Transit Formula Grants
  • Federal Transit Capital Investment Grants

2020 Census will determine how much safe affordable housing will be available…

  • Very Low to Moderate Income Housing Loans
  • Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers
  • Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments
  • Public and Indian Housing
  • Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Entitlement Program
  • Public Housing Capital Fund

2020 Census determines how much funding rural areas receive for services and infrastructure…

  • Rural Electrification Loans and Loan Guarantees
  • Water and Waste Disposal Systems for Rural Communities
  • Rural Rental Assistance Payments
  • Business and Industry Loans
  • Cooperative Extension Services

2020 Census determines how much support our children and families receive…

  • TANF
  • Title IV-E Foster Care
  • Unemployment Insurance Administration
  • Adoption Assistance
  • Child Care Mandatory and Matching Funds

Your census responses can never be used against you. Under Title 13 of the US Code, the US Census Bureau cannot release any information about an individual. Your answers can only be used to produce statistics.

Census employees and contractors are sworn for life to always protect your information. Violators face fines up to $250,000 and up to five years in prison.

Your information is protected from cyber-attacks, threats, and leaks. The bureau’s cybersecurity meets the highest federal standards for system protection. Your information is protected no matter if you respond online, by phone, or by mail.

If you respond online, make sure the website address begins with HTTPS and includes a lock symbol.

Census workers will never ask for your SSN, banking information, money, or anything on behalf of a political party.

Real census workers carry identification. They will have an official ID badge with photo, a US Department of Commerce watermark, and an expiration date. You can call 800-923-8282 to verify a worker’s identity.

Report suspicious activity. Call your local police department if you receive a visitor falsely claiming to be representing the US Census Bureau.

April 1, 2020 is National Census Day

  • Participate in the census online, by mail, or by phone.
  • If you’re living in Pennsylvania on April 1, 2020, you are a resident.
  • Count every person living in your home on April 1, 2020.

Join in community outreach. Learn more and download resources at the official website.

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Posted on Feb 12, 2020
Scarnati will retire from the Senate at the end of his term later this year

(HARRISBURG) – Senate President Pro Tempore Joe Scarnati (R-25) today announced his retirement from the Pennsylvania Senate at the end of his 5th term in office.  Senator Scarnati represents the 25th Senatorial District, which includes Cameron, Clinton, Elk, Jefferson, McKean, Potter and Tioga Counties and portions of Clearfield County.

“Today I am announcing that I will not be seeking a 6th term as Senator for the 25th Senatorial District.  At the end of this year, I will have served the people of the 25th Senatorial District for 20 years.  With the support of my Senate colleagues, I have spent the last 14 of those years in the position of President Pro Tempore and served as Pennsylvania’s 31st Lieutenant Governor from 2008 to 2011. I have worked with five Governors and throughout this time I am proud to have been a leading advocate for rural Pennsylvania values.

“While I am greatly humbled by those who have once again supported my petition to have my name on the ballot, after many conversations with family and close supporters I have made a personal, and not political, decision that I will not be filing my petitions.  My concern with leaving office has always been in large part wanting to ensure the 25th Senatorial District is well represented after my departure from the Senate.

“I came to Harrisburg in 2001 as the first Senator elected as an independent. I was disappointed by the choices that our sitting Senator at the time had made, and could not support his candidacy. My independent streak never ended there in my tenure.  I have always believed that both sides of the aisle must work together on behalf of our constituents and compromise on issues without compromising on our values.  At the same time, I have always sought to protect working families and their hard earned tax dollars. Since the days of Governor Ed Rendell’s Administration, I have actively blocked the massive proposed tax hikes on workers and businesses as proposed by his Administration and others who have followed.

“I am immensely proud of what we have accomplished for the Commonwealth during my time in the Senate. We have overseen the largest Republican majority since Eisenhower was president (34-16). We have protected the unborn by supporting a strong pro-life agenda.  We have fought to safeguard our 2nd Amendment rights that the liberal left continues to attack. In 2012, we passed a landmark Marcellus Shale Impact Fee bill to ensure responsible drilling and investments in our local communities. We have prioritized job growth and creation across Pennsylvania. We have fought for historic levels of school safety funding – and will continue that fight.

“I thank my family for their unwavering support over the last two decades. Serving in public office is not something that you do alone. I am looking forward to traveling and spending more time with my wife Amy, our children and grandchild.  I also look forward to helping my parents who are both in their 80’s.

“Throughout my time in office, I am grateful to have been surrounded by friends and fellow senators whom I respect.  My success has been largely in part because of serving with incredible colleagues and working with a team of talented individuals who are not my staff, but my co-workers. It takes a strong team to serve constituents and to oversee operations of the Senate.

“I sincerely thank my constituents for the honor of representing them. While the announcement of my future departure comes today, I will still be actively engaged in serving my district and the Senate for the next nine months. I also look forward to continuing to lead the effort this year to maintain our Senate Republican Majority.  Following my departure from the Senate, I will be taking a more active role in my business and evaluating other opportunities.”

Questions, please contact Jack Phillips.

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Today, Governor Wolf gave his annual budget address to a joint session of the General Assembly. In the Governor’s budget, he calls for increases to health and human service line items; however, some of his requested increases are included in a supplemental appropriations bill, which is a piece of legislation that is separate from the traditional June general budget and budget code bills. RCPA reacted to the Governor’s budget proposal by releasing this statement.
Additionally, RCPA is working with the Wolf Administration to schedule a specialized budget briefing for RCPA members. Questions, please contact Jack Phillips.

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By Chris Comisac
Bureau Chief

HARRISBURG (Jan. 31) – The state Independent Regulatory Review Commission (IRRC) on Friday voted 3-2, with the commission’s three Democratic appointees supplying the “yes” votes, to approve regulations that seek to increase the earnings threshold below which certain individuals will be able to receive overtime payments from their employers.

“These regulations have been long overdue for updating,” said IRRC Commissioner Dennis Watson. “I don’t think any of us dispute that employers have the right to pay their employees what they believe to be an appropriate salary or hourly wage, but this state has also recognized under the Minimum Wage Act that there are positions that people work in in which there is an inequality of bargaining power.”

Watson said the state’s earning threshold for low-level, salaried employees hasn’t changed since 1977, and it was a long time coming. Both Commission Chairman George Bedwick and Commissioner Murray Ufberg – the other two “yes” votes – echoed Watson’s comments.

While Watson correctly noted the threshold in state law has not changed since 1977, federal law has superseded the state’s threshold, with, prior to the federal change implemented at the start of 2020, that threshold last being changed in 2004, when it was set at $23,600, or $455 per week.

Department of Labor and Industry Regulation #12-106 would increase the annual earnings threshold for executive, administrative, and professional (EAP) salaried workers to $40,560 in 2021 and then $45,500 in 2022, and then automatically adjust it every three years. The current threshold, which was just changed by the federal government on Jan. 1, is $35,568, meaning EAP workers who have annual earnings less than that amount – which state officials say total approximately 61,000 Pennsylvanians – would not be exempt from earning overtime pay if they work more than 40 hours in a workweek; once the 2022 changes are implemented, the Department estimates another 81,000 individuals would be eligible for overtime.

Watson added that the rulemaking’s changes to the state’s “duties test” are equally beneficial not just to employees, but also to employers, who Watson said will have better guidance and direction in determining how best to apply the “duties test.”

In addition to meeting the earnings threshold, the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) provides that to be eligible for overtime, individuals must not have certain job responsibilities, i.e. duties, with regard to their employment, such as managing an enterprise (regularly directing the work of other employees, including being able to hire and fire employees), performing office or non-manual work directly related to the management or general business operations of the employer (where the employee can exercise their own discretion and independent judgment when performing those duties, or working in a job that requires advanced knowledge in a field of science or learning (with that knowledge “acquired by a prolonged course of specialized intellectual instruction”).

The Department’s regulation adopts the FLSA’s basic duties test, but does not incorporate all of the specific clarifications for the basic exemptions. The Department said it wasn’t able to adopt some of those clarifications due to differences between the federal FLSA and Pennsylvania’s Minimum Wage Act.

Despite the commission’s 3-2 decision that the rulemaking is in the public interest of Pennsylvania, several commenters, prior to the final vote, offered comments, many of them similar to concerns raised when the final regulations were unveiled in October. They suggested the Department’s rulemaking is inconsistent with federal law and regulation regarding overtime, creating uncertainty for the state’s employers. Critics claimed the regulation could simply have been written like other state overtime regulations.

“The statute allows the Department, and authorizes the Department, to define those duties that make an employee an exempt executive, administrative or professional [employee],” said Robert Pritchard, a shareholder of law firm Littler Mendelson P.C.’s Workplace Policy Institute, noting that neighboring states Ohio, New Jersey, New York and Maryland specifically adopt the federal regulatory provisions regarding duties by reference.

“It’s a simple, one-line regulation that says ‘For purposes of the EAP exemptions, we look to federal law. Period,’” Pritchard said. “The commission should disapprove the regulation and give the Department an opportunity to fix these regulations.”

Those same regulation opponents noted the IRRC, after review of the Department’s proposed overtime regulations, recommended the Department work with the regulated community to reach a consensus on how to draft the final overtime rules – something opponents of the rulemaking said clearly did not happen as the final rules were relatively unchanged, other than lowered earnings thresholds (the initial regulation sought to raise the threshold to $47,892 in 2022). Opponents also pointed to the automatic adjustments (every three years) of the earnings threshold included within the regulation as particularly onerous, arguing it removes the Legislature, IRRC and the public from the process of making future changes to the threshold, and because of an ever-escalating earnings threshold, ultimately makes the overtime duties test irrelevant, violating the federal FLSA.

Voting against the regulations, the commission’s two other members – Commissioners John Mizner and Russ Faber – while acknowledging the importance of the earning threshold update and more closely aligning Pennsylvania’s duties test with federal rules, said this is a situation of too much too quickly; that taking a more measured approach to identify possible impacts of the new rules might be more appropriate and avoid significant upheaval for employers, particularly small ones, that don’t have the capacity to absorb the fiscal impact of these changes. They also expressed concern the differing state and federal duties test provisions still present a problem for the state’s employers.

During the meeting, the Department responded to the criticism by indicating the rules approved by IRRC are only a first step, and there could be future regulations to more closely align Pennsylvania to federal rules and further eliminate uncertainty. State officials also argued that for too long, the earnings threshold has been so low as to eliminate the need for the duties test, creating the misconception within many areas of employment that simply because an employee is paid a salary, they aren’t eligible for overtime. The regulation will protect both employees – who should be paid overtime when they meet the requirements to receive it – and employers – who are provided with more clarity as to when they should be paying overtime – said the Department.

Focusing specifically on concerns raised about the automatic earnings threshold adjustment, the Department claimed the adjustment is rooted solely in what is occurring within the labor market, with it to be calculated based on what non-exempt employees are earning. State officials argued employers would not be unduly burdened by future changes as those changes would be a reflection of how the larger economy is performing.

Additionally, Commissioner Bedwick noted that a 2012 Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court decision – Naylor v. Commonwealth Department of Public Welfare – found that a change made by the then-Department of Public Welfare outside the regulatory review process was appropriate because it was initially provided for in a pre-existing regulation previously approved through the regulatory review process.

The Department argues the state Minimum Wage Act provides them with similar authority, as stated in Section 303.105(a)(5) of Pennsylvania Statutes Title 43 (Labor): “The secretary [of Labor and Industry] shall make and, from time to time, revise regulations, with the assistance of the board, when requested by the secretary, which shall be deemed appropriate to carry out the purposes of this act and to safeguard the minimum wage rates thereby established. Such regulations may include, but are not limited to, regulations defining and governing bona fide executive, administrative, or professional employees.”

Bedwick, while expressing the commission’s concern about going outside the regulatory review process, suggested the court case would, nevertheless, appear to allow the Department’s regulation. He said he’d like to see lawmakers do a better job in writing statute to prevent ways around the review process.

Reacting to the approval, Gov. Tom Wolf said in a statement: “This is an important victory for thousands of workers. People who work overtime should be paid for it. This is absolutely the right thing to do. Today’s approval of my plan will modernize our outdated overtime rules so more people are eligible for time-and-a-half pay. This will put more money in the pockets of workers and strengthen the middle class.”

The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), one of the vocal opponents of the overtime regulations, reacted with disappointment to the IRRC vote.

“Many small business owners submitted comments explaining this excessive expansion of overtime will cause them financial turmoil, leading to fewer hours for employees, and a limit on future promotions for those who have just moved from hourly to salaried positions,” said NFIB’s legislative director in Pennsylvania, Rebecca Oyler, who also spoke against the rules during the meeting offering similar comments.

“The costs of this rule are significant, and unfortunately, money doesn’t appear out of thin air when the government places such a mandate on small businesses. It will impact business growth, hiring and job creation – and it certainly won’t help employees as the Governor claims,” argued Oyler, noting that younger employees will likely be limited in the ability to move higher on the workplace ladder with many employers. “A decision with such significant financial ramifications should be decided by the Legislature not the Governor alone.”

The decision is also notable as it appears to close the door on an agreement that had been reached between Wolf and the Republican-controlled state Senate regarding an increase of the state’s minimum wage.

Late last year, the Senate approved a phased-in hike of the minimum wage (Senate Bill 79) that would ultimately get the hourly wage rate to $9.50 by 2022. That approval came with a condition that should the wage hike become law, the Wolf administration would not seek to implement its overtime regulations (the Wolf administration briefly withdrew its overtime regulations, on Nov. 21, following Senate approval of SB79, but resubmitted the rulemaking to IRRC on Dec. 9 with IRRC scheduling consideration of the rule on Jan. 31).

Republicans in the GOP-controlled House of Representatives noted they weren’t part of the deal made by Wolf and the Senate GOP, and there appeared to be a limited amount of communication and negotiation by both the Governor and the House GOP. With no House voting session days scheduled between Nov. 21 and Dec. 9, and only three voting session days scheduled in December after IRRC received the resubmitted regulations, many within the House GOP Caucus argued the Wolf administration wasn’t serious about giving the House time to consider the legislation, and was instead dictating policy to them. The Governor’s Office responded to House GOP Caucus complaints by saying the caucus had several years to work out a deal with Wolf, but they chose not to do so.

Ultimately, no wage hike bill was passed before the overtime regulation was approved by the IRRC, but Wolf said he intends to keep pressing for a much bigger minimum wage hike – to $15 an hour by 2026, with an automatic escalator to adjust the wage rate thereafter – as part of his 2020-21 state budget.

While the overtime regulation vote would appear to close the door on things, there still could be more time for a deal to be worked out, since the Legislature has a few options – time-consuming ones – left to it.

Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry president and CEO Gene Barr voiced his support for the GOP-controlled Legislature to exercise those options in a statement following the IRRC vote: “Unfortunately, the proposal approved today is only minimally different from the Department’s initial proposal and largely disregards the concerns raised by stakeholders. We urge the General Assembly to consider the true impact of this proposal and for each legislative chamber to issue disapproval resolutions rejecting the change.”

As per the regulatory review process, since both standing committees (the House and Senate Labor and Industry committees) did vote to disapprove the overtime regulation, the regulation cannot move forward in the process (normally a review by the Office of Attorney General before going into effect, if approved by the OAG) for 14 days.

During those two weeks, either chamber of the General Assembly could introduce a concurrent resolution to disapprove the regulation; if no such resolution is introduced, the regulation heads to OAG.

If a resolution is introduced, then the General Assembly has 30 calendar days or 10 legislative days – whichever is a longer period of time – to approve the resolution. If not approved in that time frame, the regulation goes to the OAG; if approved the resolution is sent to the Governor for consideration.

Should the Governor veto it (as would likely be the case for this regulation), the General Assembly is given another 30 calendar days or 10 legislative days – whichever is longer – to vote to override the veto.

There do not appear to be enough votes in either chamber to override, so the regulation would ultimately end up at the OAG. However, given the time of year, the General Assembly’s legislative calendar is light on legislative days.

Both chambers are readying to begin their state budget hearings on Feb. 18, following Wolf’s Feb. 4 budget address. After both chambers are in session on Feb. 5, neither chamber is scheduled to be back in session until March 16, meaning there’s a possibility this could play out until, maybe, mid-to-late May if House Republicans want to buy themselves more time.