Children's Services

Understanding the Basics of Neuroimaging and Practical Applications for Pediatric Rehabilitation Providers
Thursday, June 8, 2023
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm EST; 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm CST;
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm MST; 11:00 am – 12:00 pm PST

Kristen R. Hoskinson, PhD

Speaker/Panelist Bio:
Dr. Hoskinson is a licensed pediatric neuropsychologist and principal investigator at Nationwide Children’s Hospital (NCH) in Columbus, Ohio. Now fully immersed in the research world, her lab focuses on using neuroimaging methods to detangle the neurocognitive, social, and behavioral consequences of pediatric medical conditions, including traumatic brain injury, childhood cancer, critical congenital heart disease, and long-COVID. As Co-Director of the Neuroimaging and Behavior Research Group at NCH, she’s devoted to advocating for the utility of neuroscientific methods to understand long-term outcomes in pediatrics, including working closely with neuropsychology and physician colleagues in applying and interpreting these tools.

In this presentation, Dr. Hoskinson provides an introduction to multiple neuroimaging methods commonly encountered by the pediatric neuropsychologist during clinical practice. This includes basics on development, acquisition, interpretation, and how each approach can prove a useful tool in optimizing care for pediatric patients.

Objectives: At the end of this session, the learner will:

  • Identify two neuroimaging methods useful for identifying abnormalities in brain structure;
  • List one strength and one concern with use of CT versus MRI in childhood brain injury; and
  • Describe how functional MRI methods can be informative in pediatric rehabilitation.

Audience: This webinar is intended for all members of the rehabilitation team, including medical staff, nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech language pathologists, licensed psychologists, mental health professionals, and other interested professionals.

Level: Intermediate

Certificate of Attendance: Certificates of attendance are available for all attendees. No CEs are provided for this course.

Registration: Registration is complimentary for members of IPRC/RCPA. Registration fee for non-members is $179. Not a member yet? Consider joining today. Multiple registrations per organization are permitted.


The Pennsylvania Department of Health has released the State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP). This plan represents a multi-year strategic plan developed in collaboration with a diverse public partnership of stakeholders across the Commonwealth. It is a data-driven, comprehensive process and a primary, expert resource for establishing and maintaining public health programs and policies.

The SHIP identifies Pennsylvania health priorities and includes goals, objectives, and strategies for improving those priorities. For each priority area, a work group with goal and strategy teams meets to implement the strategies and reassess, as necessary, to improve the health of Pennsylvanians.

RCPA has participated in the plan development process, and if members have feedback that may impact implementation of the plan, please contact RCPA Policy Director Jim Sharp.

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All child welfare professionals in Pennsylvania are eligible for the following FREE trauma trainings facilitated by Lakeside Global, Inc.

If you have completed Trauma 101 and Enhancing Trauma Awareness, you are eligible to register for the Train the Trainer course scheduled for April or May!

Train the Trainer (25-hour course)
Participants who meet course requirements would be certified by Lakeside Global Institute as Adjunct Trainers with authorization to license and present Lakeside Global Institute workshops. Adjunct Trainers are also equipped to facilitate small group discussions. LGI’s Train the Trainers course applies the same approaches and techniques provided in course content. Participants can expect LGI trainers to maintain a high level of integrity with regard to processes of group leadership, management, and facilitation.


Enhancing Trauma Awareness

Enhancing Trauma Awareness (ETA) is a 15-hour course that is the first in a series of trauma courses. ETA provides a rich and sophisticated exploration of the subject of trauma with an emphasis on encouraging professionals to become highly sensitive regarding the nature of trauma as foun­dational to becoming trauma-informed. Professionals will gain heightened awareness and respect with regard to trauma-related behaviors and the consequences of being impacted by trauma that can extend into relationships, systems, and across generations.


If you already registered for training and did not receive a training link, here are your contacts: