Criminal Justice

Image by Werner Moser from Pixabay

Solicitation of Public Comment on the Pennsylvania Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Combined State Plan for 2020—2024

[51 Pa.B. 7805]
[Saturday, December 11, 2021]

PA L&I WIOA 2022 Update Link & Information to Offer Comments From December 20, 2021 Through January 18, 2022

Some disability areas for possible commentary include:

  • OVR: District Offices, Pre Employment Transition, Services, under/un served populations (specific disabilities of groups; ESL issues (Spanish, Chinese, Russian languages, etc.), collaboration with other state agencies (PA DHS for OLTL, OMHSAS and ODP populations; PDE-Bureau of Special Education);
  • PA Career Links (including physical & programmatic accessibility, which are required under the Federal WIOA passed in 2014 with 2016 regulations put forth);
  • Home or vehicle modifications (policies, process, and waiting lists);
  • Deaf Blind Services (SSP), which are state funds only at this time (no federal funding); and
  • Movement away from sheltered workshops and segregated employment settings towards competitive employment per Federal guidance put forth earlier this year.

You can also see more from the Federal Department of Education Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) on what they are looking for from states.

The fate of the Build Back Better Act, which contains historic funding for Medicaid Home and Community Based Services (HCBS), became increasingly precarious after a series of events unfolded last week. Despite Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s aspirational plan to move the bill to the floor by Christmas, President Biden conceded that negotiations over the bill would continue into 2022 following stalled talks between the White House and Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV).

Please read the full correspondence here.

Message from Gibbel Kraybill & Hess LLP:

On Friday evening, the Sixth Circuit lifted the stay on OSHA’s Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS). The ETS states that any employer with more than 100 employees must require its employees to either show proof of a COVID vaccination or submit to weekly testing and mask at all times when indoors. In the absence of a Supreme Court ruling to the contrary, the ETS will go into effect, and employers will be required to adhere to its standards. Read the article here.

GKH attorneys are closely monitoring the COVID-19 crisis and will continue to post updates and resources for individuals and businesses.

View Resources Here