Home Policy Areas Brain Injury PA L&I Soliciting Public Comment on the PA Workforce Innovation and Opportunity...
PA L&I Soliciting Public Comment on the PA Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act

[51 Pa.B. 7805]
[Saturday, December 11, 2021]
Some disability areas for possible commentary include:
- OVR: District Offices, Pre Employment Transition, Services, under/un served populations (specific disabilities of groups; ESL issues (Spanish, Chinese, Russian languages, etc.), collaboration with other state agencies (PA DHS for OLTL, OMHSAS and ODP populations; PDE-Bureau of Special Education);
- PA Career Links (including physical & programmatic accessibility, which are required under the Federal WIOA passed in 2014 with 2016 regulations put forth);
- Home or vehicle modifications (policies, process, and waiting lists);
- Deaf Blind Services (SSP), which are state funds only at this time (no federal funding); and
- Movement away from sheltered workshops and segregated employment settings towards competitive employment per Federal guidance put forth earlier this year.
You can also see more from the Federal Department of Education Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) on what they are looking for from states.