Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities

Wednesday, June 12, 2024 
5:30 pm – 7:00 pm 

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) invites individuals with intellectual disabilities and/or autism and their families to join in a virtual conversation with ODP’s policy team. The conversation will cover basics about the services ODP offers, and it is an opportunity for individuals and families to ask questions. These meetings are informal, meaning the conversation will not be recorded, and rules will be set before the meeting starts to ensure everyone feels comfortable and safe to provide questions and comments. The meeting will be held through Microsoft Teams.


What Will Be Covered?

This next meeting will consist of policy members from ODP providing an overview of two topics: the philosophy and framework used by ODP, which is called Everyday Lives, as well as what a Supports Coordinator is and what their role is.

Please Note:

This webinar/conversation is not for professionals; it is specifically for individuals, caregivers, and families and/or legal guardians. This webinar/conversation is geared towards individuals and families who are just beginning to learn about ODP or for those who want a basic understanding of the topic being discussed.

*ODP is asking and encouraging Supports Coordinators, Administrative Entities, Individual and Family Organizations, etc. to share this invitation with any individual and family they support.

Checklist concept - checklist, paper and pen

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has shared the following reminders from ODP’s ICF unit:

ICF Contact Sheet

ODP maintains a Contact Sheet for each ICF in an excel workbook. The worksheet has blocks for providers to indicate who is the primary contact for each of these functions within your organization:

  • Administrator
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Contact Person for Waiver Requests (waiver of the standard interim per diem rate)
  • Contact Person for Program Issues
  • Contact Person for Budgets
  • Contact Person for Cost Reports
  • Contact Person for Act 69 Assessment Information
  • Contact Person for Health Services

Also on that form are instructions to ODP regarding who should receive copies of Rate Setting Correspondence and members of ODP’s ICF Taskforce Listserv (this mailing list).

NOTE: IT IS THE PROVIDER’S RESPONSIBILITY TO KEEP THIS FORM UPDATED. It is important that ODP has current information so that communications are properly directed. Please contact a member of the ICF unit or our Resource Account email at any time to provide updates or to obtain a copy of the contact sheet we currently have on file for your facility. Thank you.

4th Quarter Assessment Payment Reminder

This is a reminder that your Act 69 Assessment payment for the fourth quarter is due by May 25. For this quarter, you may either pay the full amount by May 25 or pay monthly (May 25, June 25, and July 25), as was shown on the invoice emailed to you on 9/28/23. Either way, accrue the full annual amount into this fiscal year for bookkeeping and cost reporting.

Procedure Change Reminder: When your ACH Transaction is scheduled, please send an email to the following individuals to inform them of the amount and the date of your transfer:

Please remember to include your invoice number and ‘DHS-ODP-ICF Assessment’ in the Addenda field of your ACH transaction.

Should you have any questions, please contact Steve Evitts.

Harrisburg, PA — Department of Human Services (DHS) Secretary Dr. Val Arkoosh recently published two opinion pieces highlighting the historic investments for intellectual disability and autism (ID/A) services and the ID/A workforce in Governor Josh Shapiro’s 2024/25 proposed budget. At events across the Commonwealth, Secretary Arkoosh has met with advocates, families, caregivers, and direct support professionals to talk about what these investments would mean to them and why they are vital to Pennsylvanians with ID/A so they can live with the dignity and independence they deserve.

The Governor’s proposed $483 million in federal and state funding would provide more resources for home and community-based service providers, so they in turn can pay competitive rates to attract and retain the staff who provide these essential services. The proposal includes a $78 million investment of federal and state funds to serve an additional 1,500 Pennsylvanians with ID/A currently on the waitlist in the next fiscal year.

Governor Shapiro and Secretary Arkoosh recently met with Pennsylvanians with ID/A, caregivers, and advocates to hear how the proposed investments in his 2024/25 budget would address the needs of Pennsylvanians with ID/A by expanding access to support home and community-based services and addressing the shortage of direct support professionals.

Watch Secretary Arkoosh’s visit to Vision for Equality in Philadelphia

Watch Secretary Arkoosh’s visit to Penn-Mar Human Services in York County

Read additional materials below:

Read what Pennsylvanians are saying: 

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has shared a revised edition of ODPANN 21-073. The purpose of this announcement is to continue promoting awareness of pressure injuries as part of ongoing efforts to assure participant health and safety. ODP is working in conjunction with the state’s Health Care Quality Units (HCQU) and Support Coordinators (SC) to implement a Skin Integrity Initiative.

The goals of this pressure injury initiative are to raise awareness about pressure injury occurrences, to assist in the identification of resources, and to identify appropriate preventive measures that will reduce associated health risks and death. See the announcement for implementation, data collection, and reporting methods that will be used going forward in this initiative.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has shared ODPANN 24-044 and the accompanying instructions. The purpose of this announcement is to outline criteria and provide instructions for requesting a SIS-A 2nd Edition reassessment for individuals who receive residential services and whose 2023 SIS-A assessment resulted in a Needs Group (NG) decrease of two or more levels.

Please view the announcement and accompanying instructions for information and details.

The Regional Collaboratives for Supporting Families Summit will be held virtually this year. The Regional Collaboratives for Supporting Families connect diverse individuals, families, and community partners to identify what people and families need to be supported, to develop and implement strategies to meet these needs through local collaboration and partnerships, and to participate in the conversation to improve systems. This objective allows all people to best nurture and support their loved ones in having full, meaningful everyday lives in their communities. This year’s summit will bring together Regional Collaboratives from across the Commonwealth, sharing experience and knowledge and developing strategies with a focus on Family Matters! What does it mean to support families?

What is the Regional Collaborative Summit? Watch the video to learn more!

Join the summit this August to learn from peers and professionals about how to bolster your Regional Collaboratives for Supporting Families. Registration information is to follow.