Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has introduced the Innovation in Behavioral Health (IBH) Model to enhance integration in behavioral health. This model is designed to improve care quality, access, and outcomes for individuals with mental health conditions and substance use disorders under Medicaid and Medicare. Community-based behavioral health practices will form interprofessional care teams to address behavioral and physical health, including health-related social needs. The IBH Model uses a “no wrong door” approach, providing access to all services, and emphasizes building health information technology capacity. The model is scheduled to launch in Fall 2024 and will operate for eight years in up to eight select states. For more information, visit the IBH Model web page, where you can find frequently asked questions, access a fact sheet on the IBH Model, and explore a fact sheet on the accomplishments of the HHS Roadmap for Behavioral Health Integration.

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has shared ODPANN 24-011. This announcement is to notify that an updated Trainer Manual and Presentation Slides are now available in the Trainer Resources section of the Medication Administration system. These resources provide instruction for trainers on how to grade Observation Checks in the Online Student courses as well as advertise two new face-to-face classes as part of the winter 2024 Train-the-Trainer Q1 2024 Face-to-Face Schedule. Please view the announcement for information and details.

Photo by visuals on Unsplash

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has shared ODPANN 24-009. The purpose of this communication is to announce that registration is open for the next Virtual Office Hours (VOH) with ODP’s Policy Department. This session is on Navigating ODP Resources and is geared towards individuals and families who are just beginning to learn about ODP or for those who want a basic understanding of the topic being discussed. Please view the announcement for registration information and details.

The Infant/Toddler Provider Registry will be moving to a new website on January 29, 2024. This is a reminder that Monday, January 22 begins a blackout period from January 22–28 for the Infant Toddler Provider Registry website. Any information entered after Sunday, January 21 will not be migrated to the new site. The new website will be shared with users via email on January 29, 2024.

If you or one of your staff were unable to attend the live webinar, a presentation has been posted. Scroll to the bottom of the page to find the Provider Registry resource links. Also, as a reminder, the update webinar has been posted to the EITA website and can be found at the bottom of the page.

If you have any questions, please contact RCPA Policy Director Jim Sharp.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has shared ODPANN 24-008. The purpose of this communication is to provide clarification regarding new residential qualification requirements in waiver amendments, effective November 1, 2023, including the release of a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document. This clarification includes the requirement to have prior experience providing non-residential waiver services. Please view the announcement and FAQ document for information and details.