Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has been hosting regular stakeholder calls for a variety of health care providers, including clinicians, hospitals, and other facilities in order to keep them updated on their COVID-19 efforts. Because so many are busy with COVID-19, these calls have been recorded. Members can access both the recordings of these calls as well as the transcripts. Both are available on the CMS Outreach and Education website.

Join the University of Pittsburgh’s Center for Family Support on Tuesday, April 7, at 2:00 PM EST for a webinar discussing caregiving and COVID-19. This presentation is geared towards family caregivers of someone with a disability or chronic illness. We will be answering questions about how to best provide care for your loved one, and to take care of yourself as well, during this time.

Speakers include:
Kathleen Lindell, PhD, RN, ATSF, FAAN
Associate Professor of Medicine & Nursing
University of Pittsburgh Dorothy P. and Richard P. Simmons Center for Interstitial Lung Disease at UPMC

Gregory Cherpes, MD
Medical Director
Department of Human Services, Office of Developmental Programs

Nancy Murray, MS
Senior Vice President, Achieva
President, The Arc of Greater Pittsburgh

Participation is free, but registration is required.

There will be time at the end for Q&A with our presenters. There will be a limited ability to take questions during the webinar, so we highly encourage you to submit them ahead of time via email.

Or iPhone one-tap:

US: +12678310333,,880307670# or 8778535247,,880307670# (Toll Free)

Or Telephone:

Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 267 831 0333 or 877 853 5247 (Toll Free)
Webinar ID: 880 307 670
Participant ID: 181,125
International numbers available: https://pitt.zoom.us/u/anVcg5B8S

During this time of uncertainty that can be challenging for individuals and supporters, ODP is providing guidance to Behavioral Specialists, Supports Coordination Organizations (SCOs), and other providers about diverting and responding to potential crisis situations in Announcement 20-035.

The announcement includes some strategies that can be implemented, but remember, the key to effective supports during this time is flexibility in meeting the individual needs of the people we support. The guidance is broken down into two sections. The first is for Behavioral Specialists. The second is for non-Behavioral Specialist Providers and SCOs.

ODP will hold a webinar to discuss this guidance. The webinar is scheduled for Friday, April 3, 2020 from 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm. Register here to participate.

Additionally, please see the following resources from SAMHSA for tips on dealing with stress:

If you have any questions related to this email or requests for additional resources, please submit via email.

Over the past few weeks, RCPA has held numerous webinars, conference calls, and other outreach to our members regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the major issues members are facing concerns the definition of what constitutes a health care provider under the Family First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA).

RCPA has received conflicting guidance on the definition of a health care provider; therefore, RCPA sought a legal interpretation from attorneys. The attorneys believe that RCPA mental health, behavioral health, drug and alcohol, and intellectual and physical disability providers are included in the broad language of the definition; however, RCPA and its members have been directed to consult with their own legal counsel or human resources team. With this ambiguity in the definition of what constitutes a health care provider, RCPA members are not able to make appropriate business and health related decisions for their employees and clients.

RCPA and its members need clarification; therefore, RCPA sent Governor Wolf a letter today, requesting him to resolve this issue. As the letter states, RCPA believes the Governor has the authority and may deem our members, who offer mental health, behavioral health, drug and alcohol, as well as intellectual and physical disability services, as essential health care providers.

Questions, please contact Jack Phillips.