Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities

ODP Update
The Office of Developmental Programs has released the following information:

  • Announcement #055-15: Summary of Changes to the Initial and Annual Qualification for Supports Coordination Organizations. These changes include: SCO must provide educational/experience documentation for new SCs hired and must provide valid driver’s licenses for all SCs and SC Supervisors if operation of a vehicle is necessary to provide SC services.


Upcoming Conferences


Summer Safety Tips
The Arc of New Jersey and The Arc’s HealthMeet program have developed several tip sheets to help persons with I/DD understand summer safety. These include Sun Safety, Heat Sickness, and Water Safety for the Pool and Beach.

ODP Updates

The Office of Developmental Programs has issued the following information:

  • Announcement #051-15: Waiver Direct Service Provider Audit Requirements for Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Reporting Period; Questions may be directed to ODP Regional Fiscal Officer Agnes Rudolf.
  • Informational Packet #052-15: Rate Retention Factor Process Resulting from Provider Settlement Agreement; Procedures apply only to providers who signed and submitted the Provider Settlement Agreement Addendum.
  • Announcement #053-15: AE Oversight Monitoring Webcast Now Available in AE Information Center.
  • Announcement #054-15: Delay Implementation of Fourth Waiver Amendments for ODP Consolidated and Person/Family Directed Support Waivers Effective July 1, 2015; ODP has not received federal CMS approval for the fourth set of waiver amendments. These amendments were shared in Announcement #039-15.
  • PA Bulletin on June 27 includes the notification of the Proposed Fee Schedule Rates for Fiscal Year 2015/16 for the Consolidated and Person/Family Directed Support Waivers, Target Service Management and Community ID Base-Funded Programs.
  • PA Bulletin on June 27 includes the notification of the Proposed Rate Setting Methodology for the ODP Consolidated and Person/Family Directed Support Waiver and Base-Funded Services for the 2015/16 Fiscal Year.

ODP Updates
The Office of Developmental Programs has issued the following information:

DHS Managed Care Proposal
The PA Department of Human Services is developing a proposal for a managed long-term services and supports system, to be implemented in three phases, beginning in January 2017. The home and community-based services to be included in this proposal are those under the Office of Long Term Living. ODP waivers would not be included at this time. Information is available in the PA Bulletin and a “Discussion Document” for public comments to be submitted to DHS by July 15.

Employer Tax Incentives
The National Employer Policy, Research and Technical Assistance Center has released a fact sheet, Employer Incentives for Hiring People with Disabilities: Federal Tax Incentives At-a-Glance. Information is provided on:

  • Work Opportunity Tax Credit
  • Disabled Access Credit for Modifications and Accommodations
  • Architectural and Transportation Barrier Removal Deduction

Meetings and Webinars

  • July 2, 2:30 pm: Accessible Swimming Pools and Spas: Question and Answer Session
  • July 13-14, Advisory Committee on Increasing Competitive Integrated Employment for Individuals with Disabilities, Washington, DC; meeting is open to the public with a public comment period on July 13 from 2:15-3:00 pm and written comments may also be submitted by July 2.

Last week, Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA), together with Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Senator Bob Casey (D-PA), introduced S. 1604, Transition to Independence Medicaid Buy-In Option, bipartisan legislation which would, as stated in Senator Grassley’s press release, “create a demonstration project to encourage states to improve opportunities for individuals with disabilities to obtain employment in the community, gaining self-determination, independence, productivity, and integration and inclusion.”  Ten states, over a period of five years, would receive bonus payments for meeting benchmarks which are outlined in the bill’s technical summary. We will continue to monitor and set up applicable meetings. Contact Jack Phillips, RCPA Director of Government Affairs with questions.

The Department of Human Services has announced the July training schedule and related information for the approved and required Medication Administration Training. Training will be available online and at various locations across the Commonwealth. Future classroom training sessions are being scheduled throughout the year; announcements will be released when finalized. Classroom training sites have limited capacity, and training candidates from agencies with no certified medication administration staff are required to complete the online course work before they are permitted to attend the classroom training.

Medication administration training is required for designated staff working in: adult training facilities, adult day services, personal care homes, assisted living residences, child residential and residential treatment and day treatment facilities, community homes for individuals with an intellectual disability, and intermediate care facilities. Questions about the information in the training document can be directed to (717) 221-1630 or email.

Community Providers Needed
The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) is seeking community service providers who are interested in serving individuals that wish to transition from state-operated ICFs/ID to a community setting. Interested providers may find information about qualifying individuals online at the ODP Provider Information Center. Use the same login username and password that you use for any of the ODP Information Centers (i.e., PIC, AEIC, SCOIC or SCC). New and updated information is posted regularly; providers are encouraged to check the website frequently.

IM4Q Training
ODP’s Independent Monitoring for Quality’s Annual Statewide Training is scheduled for July 29-30 at the Hilton Hotel, Harrisburg. ODP’s new Deputy Secretary Nancy Thaler will be the first speaker to start the conference. Details, agenda and registration information are now available.

ODP Updates
ODP has released the following information:

  • Bulletin #00-15-02: Rate Setting Methodology for Consolidated and Person/Family Directed Support Waiver and Base-Funded Services for Individuals Participating in the Office of Developmental Programs Service System.
  • PA Bulletin June 20: Notice of final methodology for FY 2014/15 rate-setting methodology for waivers and base-funded services.
  • Announcement #049-15: Provider Application Orientation Requests for Plans from Administrative Entities; this new process is for individuals or agencies interested in becoming providers of waiver services. This mandated training is part of the enrollment process for provider applicants.

ABLE Act Update
The proposed regulations for the federal Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act of 2014 have been published in the June 22 Federal Register. Public comments must be submitted by September 21 and a public hearing is scheduled for October 14.

ODP Updates
The Office of Developmental Programs has released the following information:

  • Informational Memo 048-15: Fiscal Year 2015/2016 Consolidated and Person/Family Directed Support Waivers Proposed Department Established Fees for Waiver Eligible Services, Residential Ineligible Services and Targeted Services Management.
  • Informational Packet #047-15: Vendor Fiscal/Employer Agent Financial Management Services Wage and Benefit Ranges for Specific Participant Directed Services, Effective July 1.

Psychiatric Rehab Webinar

Nancy Thaler will be the new Deputy Secretary of the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) beginning June 29. Thaler recently served as the executive director of the National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services, assisting 50 state agencies in policy and program development, where she was involved in strategic planning, managing the operating budget, and directing the association’s activities. She also previously served as the director of quality improvement for the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), and Deputy Secretary of ODP for both Republican and Democratic administrations.

H. Patrick “Pat” Clancy will be joining the Department of Human Services (DHS) as the special advisor to the secretary, focusing on employment issues and the federal Workforce Investment and Opportunity Act. Clancy has a strong background in developing and managing career and workforce development programs. He recently served as the director of workforce initiatives at Goodwill of Delaware and Delaware County. He will join the department on July 13.

Steve Suroviec will become the special advisor to the secretary, focusing on employment issues for people with disabilities, where he will bring the impressive leadership skills he demonstrated as deputy secretary at ODP. Before joining DHS, Steve served admirably as the executive director of Pennsylvania’s Office of Vocational Rehabilitation. He will share his counsel and expertise in this crucial area beginning June 29.

SCO Issues

  • ISP Checklist
    At the IDD Committee on June 11, ODP’s Patty McCool reported on the Futures Planning Work Groups and an issue specific to Work Group #5, Simplifying the System, related to the ISP Checklist. RCPA is asking its SCO members to share what works with the current ISP Checklist, what doesn’t work, and recommendations for changes. Please submit your recommendations to Linda Drummond by June 23, which will then be shared with ODP.
  • Cycle 5 Monitoring: ODP’s Sonya Hipple was asked about the timeframe for released of the Cycle 5 SCO monitoring sample; it will be released in either late June or early July on the SCO Docushare website.

ODP Update
The Office of Developmental Programs has released the following information:

  • Informational Packet #046-15: Agency with Choice Financial Management Services Wage Ranges and Benefit Allowance and Corresponding Department Established Fees for Specific Participant Direct Services Effective July 1.