Policy Areas

Today, Secretary Arkoosh presented an overview of the proposed Department of Human Services (DHS) budget in the Governor’s proposed budget he unveiled earlier this week. Governor Shapiro is prioritizing investments in IDD home and community-based service providers so that they can pay competitive rates to attract and retain staff who provide these life-changing services to Pennsylvanians.

Secretary Arkoosh stated, “It’s time to make a change,” and people need “the right service at the right time.” PA is about to embark on a multi-year wait list plan.

In September, Governor Shapiro directed DHS’s Office of Developmental Programs to begin an immediate evaluation and assessment of the rates paid to intellectual disability and autism programs that employ direct support professionals. Building on that, the governor is proposing an increase in reimbursement rates by 12%, which will invest a total of over $480 million, divided by state ($217 million) and federal ($266 million) funding for programs that support ID/A. It is proposed that the rate increase will become effective July 2024. Additionally, one-time supplemental payments to support staffing recruitment and retention were announced. These funds are anticipated to be distributed to providers in May or June 2024 and will total $109 million.

ODP will be working closely with counties to shift to management by budget rather than slots, and effective immediately, the department is adding 1,250 in Community Living and 250 in Consolidated people to the waiver capacity ($78 million in funding).

This budget also invests $934,000 to add American Sign Language and English interpreter services to program serving this population as a distinct service.

While this is very positive news for the ID/A community, this is the proposed budget. We all need to continue to advocate with legislators to support this proposal and give the ID/A services the support they need. Please share your stories with your local legislator and participate in our upcoming capitol day on March 19, 2024. You can register to participate in the event here. Also, we ask that you take the time to thank Governor Shapiro for hearing our voices and addressing our critical needs.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has shared a downloadable PDF of the questions within the Infection Control and Vaccination Status Survey that was sent out earlier this week. Since the online survey does not permit you to save and return, reviewing the questions ahead of time may make it easier to have all your necessary data when you complete the survey. If you have not already done so, please enter your responses online.

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In honor of Black History Month, join us Thursday, Feb. 15, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm ET for Amplifying Black Voices: Overcoming Institutionalized Racial Discrimination in Integrated Care. This empowering panel discussion celebrates Black excellence through resilience, resistance and triumph over institutionalized racial discrimination, particularly in the context of health equity and leadership in integrated care settings. We will honor the complexities of being a prominent leader who identifies as Black or African American while experiencing various forms of discrimination, including racism, and its impact on mental health and career possibilities in the field.

In the wake of recent headlines, including the resignation of the former president of Harvard University following experiences of racial discrimination, our esteemed panelists will delve into the complexities and challenges faced by Black leaders within institutional settings, including the “pet to threat” phenomenon, as well as discuss solutions and strategies to address systemic and individual prejudices.

By amplifying the voices of those with lived experience, we hope to inspire and empower individuals, especially in Black and African American communities, to continue working toward equity and inclusion in health care leadership and beyond.

Register Today!

All sessions are supported by the Center of Excellence for Integrated Health Solutions (CoE-IHS), funded by a grant award from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). If you have any questions about this session or any others in this series, contact the National Council for Mental Wellbeing.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

The Office of Developmental Program’s (ODP) Technology Taskforce has published its Technology Today: Volume 7 January 2024 newsletter. The purpose of the newsletter is to seek out methods of supporting individuals with disabilities, family members, and providers with resources, events, and other important updates in the assistive technology world. This includes compilations of resources that support individuals through technology with software, hardware, funding, programs, and information as well as recommendations for starting your supportive technology journey.

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Image by Soundtrap on Unsplash

The RCPA Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee invites you to join us in a multi-media celebration of Black History Month! Each week during the month of February, the DEI Committee will distribute recommendations for interactive ways to learn about and commemorate Black History. Join us as we celebrate and enjoy the contributions of Black Americans!

Week 2: Music

Find Curated Playlists for Black History Month, or create a playlist of your own!

You can “ask Alexa” to play music by black artists or black composers. Suggested search terms:

  • Black artists
  • Black classical composers
  • Afrobeat
  • Gospel/Spirituals

Find music by Black artists in any genre:

  • Jazz
  • Funk
  • Hip-hop
  • Rock
  • Pop
  • Country

RCPA is pleased to report several successful collaborative efforts this week, including a meeting with DHS, OMHSAS, and a delegation of House and Senate Representatives. We reviewed proposed language for a new bill that would address the 4 walls standard for ongoing telehealth with practitioners not within the 4 walls of a clinic. The bill will also include language previously introduced on the Psychiatric Outpatient Regulatory requirements for the 50% in-office time for clinics and the use of advanced practice professionals to meet those time requirements.

The language for both target areas was approved by all parties and will now move on to the House Human Services Committee. RCPA has a meeting scheduled for early next week to review the finalized version prior to its introduction. We have also met with Senate counterparts to support the measure.

Lastly, RCPA continues its dialogue with OMHSAS for guidance and clarification, including sharing members’ and stakeholders’ feedback. We have had the opportunity to speak with our BH-MCO members and understand OMHSAS Deputy Secretary Jen Smith will be meeting with that group and the county contractors on the processes moving forward.

We are hopeful for an expedited legislative solution that will aid OMHSAS in making any resulting policy, practice, or program changes that will support the initiative. We are extremely encouraged by the system’s efforts and focus this week and will continue to provide key updates to members and stakeholders.

If you have any questions, please contact RCP Policy Director Jim Sharp.

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RCPA is proud to announce that we will be hosting our annual Capitol Day on Tuesday, March 19, 2024. We will hold a press conference in the Main Rotunda between 10:30 am – 11:30 am, which will tentatively include speakers such as:

  • Representative Dan Miller;
  • Representative Stephen Kinsey;
  • Representative Doyle Heffley;
  • Senator Art Haywood; and
  • Senator Frank Farry.

You can register for our Capitol Day press conference here. If additional staff or colleagues within your organization are planning to attend Capitol Day with you, please email Christine Tartaglione with the number of anticipated attendees. RCPA requests that members schedule appointments with their Senate and House legislators directly to discuss the state budget, legislation, and regulations after our press conference.

We ask that you monitor your emails for updates regarding Capitol Day, as RCPA will be sending out legislative priorities and other policy documents for use during legislative visits in the near future. As an additional resource, members can visit the Pennsylvania Capitol website to locate parking and view maps of the building. If you have questions regarding our 2024 Capitol Day, please contact Jack Phillips.