DHS Schedules Additional 2024/25 Budget Briefing

DHS Schedules Additional 2024/25 Budget Briefing

The Department of Human Services (DHS) just announced that, due to reaching capacity in the February 9 meeting, they are adding a second session at 1:30 pm on the same day. If you are already registered for the morning session, do not register for the afternoon session so that they can keep enough space for all who are interested. Both sessions will be recorded and posted publicly to YouTube, and content will be roughly similar within the two sessions. DHS will share Question and Answer (Q&A) sessions from both, and a follow-up Q&A document will be shared next week.

Visit here to register for the afternoon session.

(If the registration link above does not work, please try copying this link directly into your browser: https://events.gcc.teams.microsoft.com/event/9f3d9e64-6d38-45a7-84eb-b0ae2b1aafd9@418e2841-0128-4dd5-9b6c-47fc5a9a1bde)