Electronic Visit Verification Update
OLTL outlines the requirements for Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) roll out and the services impacted by it. EVV is required by Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) in the Community HealthChoices SW and SE roll out zones, effective January 1, 2019.
Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Implementation Update:
The 21st Century Cures Act requires implementation of EVV for personal care services (PCS) and home health services. For Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) waivers, including agency and participant-directed services, PCS includes:
- Personal Assistance Services
- Respite (unlicensed settings only)
As shared previously, the Department of Human Services (Department) will utilize an open system for EVV. This means that providers who already have an EVV system will be able to use their existing systems to submit information to the Department’s EVV vendor. The Department is using the existing PROMISe™ fiscal agent contract with DXC for EVV.
Providers who do not have their own EVV system will be able to utilize the Department’s system for compliance. Providers participating in Community HealthChoices (CHC) can also reach out to the CHC-MCOs they are contracted with to discuss potential opportunities to meet compliance requirements with the CHC-MCO- contracted EVV system, HHAeXchange.
For participant-directed programs in the OLTL waivers, the vendor fiscal agent, Public Partnerships, LLC (PPL), will be utilizing their EVV system, Time4Care, to satisfy EVV requirements.
EVV Implementation Timeline Reminder:
The 21st Century Cures Act requires implementation of EVV by January 1, 2019 for personal care services (PCS). On July 30, 2018, the President signed a law delaying penalties for implementation to January 1, 2020 for PCS. The requirement for implementation of EVV for home health services by January 1, 2023 has not changed.
This delay will allow Pennsylvania an opportunity to extend implementation activities and training, to make sure that providers are fully ready for the implementation of EVV. The tentative plan for Pennsylvania’s implementation of EVV is:
- January 2019 – PA guidance will be distributed
- Spring 2019 – provider training will be offered with phased-in system use
- Summer 2019 – full implementation of system
Additional information will be shared when it becomes available. You may also look for information on our website.
For further questions regarding EVV, please email RA-PWEVVNotice@pa.gov.