EVV Reminder: Soft Launch Ends December 31

EVV Reminder: Soft Launch Ends December 31

Many agencies and providers have successfully participated in the DHS Sandata EVV training. These providers are successfully using the DHS Sandata EVV system during the PA-DHS soft-launch period. As a reminder, the soft-launch period is scheduled to end Dec 31, 2019.

While Pennsylvania is seeking a Good Faith Effort Exemption (GFE) from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to extend the soft launch period, it has not yet been approved. If your agency is one of the few that still needs to complete Sandata EVV training to get your DHS Sandata EVV credentials, it is not too late!

Online self-paced training is still available 24/7 and can be accessed here. To receive your agency credentials, at least one provider representative must complete training.

The first person in your agency who enrolled and completes training will receive an emailed Welcome Kit with your agency’s credentials.

Welcome Kits: Presently, Welcome Kits are distributed within two business days after the completion of training. Due to the holidays, any agency completing training on or after December 20, 2019, will not be guaranteed a Welcome Kit by January 1, 2020.

If your agency has competed training and did not receive a Welcome Kit, please contact PAC at 800-248-2152 or via email.


For questions on whether a provider or services are included in the EVV mandate, contact Provider Enrollment:

  • ODP Provider Enrollment: 866-565-9435 or email
  • OLTL Provider Enrollment: 800-932-0939 option 1

For DHS Sandata EVV application questions, call 800-248-2152 or email. Submit EVV program questions here. For ALT-EVV Certification, call 855-705-2407 or email.



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