JCJC/PA JPO Chiefs Release Dispositional Guides and Placement Visitation Practices

JCJC/PA JPO Chiefs Release Dispositional Guides and Placement Visitation Practices

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The Juvenile Court Judges Commission (JCJC) and the Pennsylvania Council for Chief Juvenile Probation Officers (JPOs), along with input from systems stakeholders, has released two operational reference guides that will go into effect immediately:

Work groups consisting of JCJC staff, representatives from juvenile probation departments, providers, and others, worked diligently to develop these resources. The resources have also been vetted by various groups to ensure the appropriate individuals were actively involved with the development of these guides. Their feedback was invaluable and incorporated wherever appropriate.

Each document includes introductory language describing the purpose of the resource. You will also note the JPO Reference Guide for Dispositional Hearings has a companion checklist that may be used by JPOs and judges during dispositional hearings.

If you have any questions or feedback as you begin to implement these processes, please contact RCPA Children’s Division Director Jim Sharp.


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