New Times Available: One-on-One Incident Management Virtual Office Hours

Adult Autism Waiver (AAW) and Adult Community Autism Program (ACAP) providers are invited to sign up for a scheduled one-on-one virtual office hour to discuss incident management topics with ODP-BSASP. Providers may sign up for one 30-minute session, and multiple staff from the provider may join at the provider’s discretion. Topics for discussion may include: provider-specific IM issues or concerns; EIM reports; general questions about certified investigations; brainstorming ideas of how to improve “performance” related IM tasks; review of provider IM data and compliance; and discussion of provider trends.
We encourage AAW providers and ACAP to take advantage of this opportunity. Sessions are offered in 30-minutes intervals and are on a first-come, first-served basis. The first session is scheduled to begin at 12:30 pm on Wednesday, September 13. To register, visit here. Be sure to complete all required information to reserve a time slot.
Please contact the Provider Support Inbox with questions.