OCDEL Creates New Virtual FBA Training
The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has announced the development of an updated virtual version of the required Functional Behavioral Assessments (FBA) training. The new FBA Training will be interactive and self-paced, and will replace the existing train-the-trainer model.
The virtual training is scheduled to be released in mid-June 2020. The virtual course will be housed on the MyODP Training & Resource Center. It will include a test component, but it will not include a face-to-face component.
- The virtual training will replace the existing 13-hour face-to-face training curriculum that you have been facilitating.
- Once the new FBA course has been released, the virtual Train the Trainer Course will be closed, and no new trainers will be authorized.
- Approved trainers may continue to facilitate the in-person training through July 31, 2020, and the online FBA Post-test will only be available until September 30, 2020.
- Any person who has taken the face-to-face FBA Training facilitated by a BAS-approved FBA trainer will have until September 30, 2020 to take the online FBA Post-test. The post-test will be closed and no longer available after September 30, 2020.
Key Features of the Updated Training:
The training focuses on the assessment and replacement of challenging behaviors, as well as the development of a treatment or behavior support plan that can be used across settings and across the lifespan.
- The examples, tools, and strategies outlined in this training are applicable to supporting individuals from childhood through adulthood.
- The course is divided into 8 Modules. The estimated time to complete all eight modules and all the tests is 13 hours, depending on your individual learning style.
- This course was designed to be responsive to the individual learner’s progress on tests and quizzes throughout the training.
- Traditional and Fast-Track options are available (dependent on test/quiz scores).
- A variety of direct and indirect assessment tools will be available to download.
Questions? Please email RA-BASTrainings@pa.gov
As further guidance is released we will update members. If you have questions, please contact RCPA Children’s Division Director Jim Sharp.