ODP Additional Clarification Regarding CPS Retainers
August 11, 2020
To Community Participation Support Providers (CPS):
Regarding the second statement on the CPS Provider Attestation Form (Provider has not and will not lay off staff…), ODP has received additional information from CMS and will interpret this statement as follows: The provider is attesting that any layoffs after July 1, 2020 will not cause staff levels to fall below x% of pre-COVID levels, where x is the current monthly retainer percentage plus current month billing percent of pre-COVID levels. For example, if the July retainer payment is 50% and a provider’s actual July billing is 10% of pre-COVID levels, staff levels would be expected to be at 60% or more of pre-COVID levels.
As a reminder, CPS providers must submit a completed attestation form prior to receiving any retainer payments. Completed forms should be emailed to Rick Smith. Please reference announcement ODP 20-085.
Rick Smith l Director
PA Department of Human Services l Office of Developmental Programs
Bureau of Financial Management and Program Support
625 Forster Street Room 412 l Harrisburg, PA 17120
www.dhs.pa.gov www.myodp.org