OLTL Update/Third Thursday Stakeholder Webinar Recap

OLTL Update/Third Thursday Stakeholder Webinar Recap

The Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) held a webinar providing consumers and other stakeholders an update. This may be the last Third Thursday Webinar, as it was originally designed to communicate with consumers and stakeholders during the rollout of Community HealthChoices (CHC).  As the rollout is now complete, and the continuity of care has ended, the slides provide other public meetings and resources where the same content is covered.


  1. CHC Updates
  • The Continuity of Care (COC) period ended on June 30, 2020 for the Northeast, Northwest, and Lehigh/Capital zones.
  • CHC is now fully implemented statewide.
  • The Department of Human Services is continuing to prioritize the monitoring and oversight of program operations and participant services.
  1. New Resource and Referral Tool
  • The tool will serve as a care coordination system for providers and social service organizations and will include a closed-loop referral system that will report on the outcomes of the referrals.
  • It will also serve as an access point to help Pennsylvanians find and access the services they need to achieve overall well-being and improve health outcomes.
  • Responses can be submitted through the eMarketplace and are due by August 6th.
  1. Appendix K Transition Plan
  • Waiver Services and Person-Centered Service Plans (PCSP)
    • When a county enters the green phase, the CHC-MCOs may begin conducting comprehensive needs reassessments that were missed due to the public health emergency (PHE) and services can be adjusted based on the outcome of the reassessment.
    • When a county enters the green phase, Service Coordinators should monitor participants and PCSPs through face-to-face contact when possible.
  • Initial Level of Care Assessments
    • Initial level of care assessments using the FED that take place in the participant’s home should be conducted face-to-face when possible.
    • Initial level of care assessments using the FED that take place in nursing facilities should be conducted remotely using phone or video conferencing.
  • Needs Assessments and Reassessments
    • Service Coordinators must receive education and training from the CHC-MCOs on how to evaluate individual risk factors and protect themselves from potential exposure according to the guidance issued by the CDC and the Department of Health.
    • Annual Reassessments, including the needs assessment, should be conducted face-to-face when possible.
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
    • PPE such as gloves, gowns and masks for participant use can be obtained as Specialized Medical Equipment and Supplies if no other source is available.
    • This flexibility will continue for the duration of the Appendix K approval period regardless of the county’s status.
  • Respite
    • Respite in a licensed facility may be extended beyond 29 consecutive days without prior approval of the CHC-MCO, in order to meet the participant’s health and safety needs.
    • When a county transitions to green, this flexibility continues if the need for additional respite is a result of COVID-19.
    • Prior approval of the CHC-MCO is required. This remains in effect for the duration of the Appendix K approval.
  • Personal Assistance Services (Agency and Participant-Directed) and Participant-Directed Community Supports
    • When a county enters the green phase, spouses, legal guardians, and persons with power of attorney may no longer serve as paid direct care workers.
    • Participants will be expected to resume using their existing direct care worker or a replacement worker, if necessary.
  1. Regional Response Health Collaboration Program (RRHCP)
Fady is responsible for policy and regulatory matters related to Physical Disabilities and Aging, with primary focus on personal assistance, employment services, and service coordination. Emphasis is placed on engaging the Office of Long-Term Living and the Community HealthChoices Managed Care Organizations, coordination of care with Behavioral HealthChoices MCOs, and collaborations with other advocacy and provider associations. Fady is also the President / CEO of ProVantaCare, an RCPA-affiliated company focused on contracting with MCOs, and is the President of XtraGlobex, a consulting firm focused on Value-Based Payment contracting. He brings extensive experience in the advocacy and operations of human services providers in physical disabilities and aging, from his role at Liberty Resources, Inc., and his service with a number of nonprofit services providers. He earned an MBA in Marketing from The University of Tennessee and a PhD in Organizational Leadership from Capella University.



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