OMHSAS Shares Statewide Children’s Crisis Community Stakeholder Survey

OMHSAS Shares Statewide Children’s Crisis Community Stakeholder Survey

The Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS) is excited to engage with stakeholders in developing a statewide child, youth, and young adult (CYYA) behavioral health emergency (crisis) community. As a first step, they have developed a brief survey to gauge interest in a symposium on this topic. They also have plans for ongoing opportunities for discussing CYYA behavioral health crisis response, identifying and highlighting promising practices within the Commonwealth and nationally, sharing training opportunities, and gathering feedback on interests and needs.

If you are interested in this topic or otherwise have feedback on Pennsylvania’s crisis continuum for CYYA and their families, please complete this short survey. The survey is available now and will be accessible through June 7, 2024, at 5:00 pm EST.

Thank you in advance for your time and dedication to Pennsylvania’s children, youth, young adults, and families. Any questions can be sent via email, or you can contact RCPA COO and Policy Director Jim Sharp.