One Week Left to Submit Comments on ODP’s Proposed Implementation of Performance-Based...

One Week Left to Submit Comments on ODP’s Proposed Implementation of Performance-Based Contracting

As a reminder, the public comment period ends next Tuesday, June 4, 2024, for the proposed implementation of Performance-Based Contracting for Residential Services, Waiver amendments, and proposed rates for services, which are effective July 1, 2024.

RCPA staff have participated in various listening sessions and met with members to hear your concerns regarding the proposed changes and rates. We will be sending our comments later this week and want to be sure that we are representing your interests. Please contact Carol Ferenz with any thoughts you have regarding these significant changes by close of business Wednesday, May 29, 2024.

Thank you for sharing your concerns. We strongly recommend that you take advantage of this opportunity to provide your own comments to ODP as well.