Senate Democrats Announce Minority Committee Chairs

Senate Democrats Announce Minority Committee Chairs

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Today, the Senate Minority Leader, Jay Costa (D-Allegheny), announced the Senate Democratic minority chairs of the standing committees.

Senate Democratic Standing Committee Chair Assignments are as follows:

  • Aging & Youth: Maria Collett
  • Agriculture & Rural Affairs: Judy Schwank
  • Appropriations: Vincent Hughes
  • Banking & Insurance: Sharif Street
  • Communications & Technology: Steve Santarsiero
  • Community, Economic, & Recreational Development: Larry Farnese
  • Education: Andrew Dinniman
  • Environmental Resources & Energy: John Yudichak
  • Finance: John Blake
  • Games & Fisheries: James Brewster
  • Health & Human Services: Art Haywood
  • Intergovernmental Operations: Wayne Fontana
  • Judiciary: Daylin Leach
  • Labor & Industry: Christine Tartaglione
  • Law & Justice: James Brewster
  • Local Government: Tim Kearney
  • Rules & Executive Nominations: Jay Costa
  • State Government: Anthony Williams
  • Transportation: John Sabatina, Jr.
  • Urban Affairs & Housing: Katie Muth
  • Veteran’s Affairs & Emergency Preparedness: Lindsey Williams

Questions, please contact RCPA Director of Government Affairs Jack Phillips.


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