Tags Posts tagged with "COVID-19"


A Message from Kevin Dressler:

Health Alert Updates

Please see the three Health Alert Network (HAN) updates from the Department of Health regarding treatment for COVID positive people, as well as work restrictions for exposure and return to work guidance. These HANs have been updated over the past two weeks, can be of assistance in updating your COVID response plans, and have components built into them to assist in mitigating staff shortages.

You can also find information at the DOH HAN website.

Department of Health Division of ICF

I would like to announce to the group and welcome Susan DiFuccia as Acting Chief of the Division of ICF. She replaces Orlando Hernandez, whom recently retired after an honorable career in the DOH Division of ICF. Susan has been the Supervisor for the Jackson Center and Pittsburgh DOH survey teams for many years as well as a respected member of the DOH Division of ICF, whom will thrive in her new role.

ICF Taskforce Meeting

The next ICF Taskforce Meeting will be held on February 24, 2022, from 1:00 pm–3:00 pm. A link to the meeting will be forthcoming. If you have any specific topics, please send them to me for possible inclusion in the meeting agenda.

6600 Regulations Update

The 6600 regulations update will be shared for public comment in the coming weeks. Please look for them and provided comments as designated in the announcement. There will also be an opportunity to discuss the regulations at the next ICF Taskforce Meeting.

Resources for ODP Providers Regarding COVID Protocols and Updated Public Health Policies

Message from the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP):

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) distributed the 2021 Health Alert: COVID-19 Safety and Treatment Reminders. This document provides updated guidance and recommendations on procedures in dealing with Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) exposure, infection, quarantine, isolation, and treatment. The PA Department of Health also recently released PA HAN 613 – COVID-19 Treatment Options and the referenced PA HAN 575 – COVID-19 Treatment Options to update the field regarding treatment options.

In the event that infections occur, ODP would also like to remind you that treatment options exist. Speak with your health care provider about treatment if you or someone you support has been diagnosed with COVID-19. If you have questions about this guidance, please call your local health department or 877-PA-HEALTH (877-724-3258).

ODP recognizes and thanks you for all that you have done and continue to do for the protection of the individuals you support, your staff, and the families of both.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has released guidance on the Omnibus COVID-19 health care staff vaccination interim final rule that was published on November 5, 2021. The emergency regulation helps safeguard health care workers and the people they serve from COVID-19 and its variants for all individuals seeking care. This is done by imposing requirements regarding vaccinations for eligible staff at health care facilities participating in the Medicare and Medicaid programs.

This guidance provides important information on implementation as well as guidelines to assess and maintain compliance with the COVID-19 vaccination requirements for health care workers at facilities participating in the Medicare and Medicaid programs.