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Licensing, Certification, and Incident Management Conducted by the Departments of Human Services, Health, Drug and Alcohol Programs, and Aging

The Departments of Human Services, Health, Drug and Alcohol Programs, and Aging regulate a variety of health and human services providers in order to protect the health and safety of Pennsylvanians. Among the regulatory activities, they license or certify providers and conduct incident management, as required by state and federal law. The departments are currently reexamining processes to identify opportunities for coordinating efforts in order to streamline the licensing, certification, and incident management process and increase efficiencies for providers and the commonwealth, while maintaining and enhancing the quality of licensing and certification activities of the providers they regulate. As part of this process, they are seeking input from stakeholders of the Departments of Human Services, Health, Drug and Alcohol Programs, and/or Aging on the following questions. These questions are focused on providers, but feedback is welcome from advocates and other stakeholders. Please send responses via email by Monday, April 30, 2018.

  1. Which of the following commonwealth agencies do you interact with for licensing and certification: the Departments of Human Services, Health, Drug and Alcohol Programs, and/or Aging? Please identify the specific license or certificate types you have.
  2. Which of the following commonwealth agencies do you interact with when you must report an incident that took place at your facility/agency: the Departments of Human Services, Health, Drug and Alcohol Programs, and/or Aging? This could include incidents required to be reported per licensing regulations, or home and community based (waiver) programs.
  3. What works well in interacting with multiple commonwealth agencies on licensing, certification, and incident management activities?
  4. What challenges do you experience in interacting with multiple commonwealth agencies on licensing, certification, and incident management activities? If possible, please identify whether the challenges are caused by statutory or regulatory requirements, policy or operational guidance, or agency processes or technology.
  5. What opportunities do you see for the commonwealth to streamline your experience interacting with multiple commonwealth agencies on licensing, certification, and incident management activities?

This is a major opportunity that can’t be missed. The work being done by the departments is what RCPA and its members have been advocating for over many years. We currently have an administration willing and able to make significant changes. Members are asked to provide as much detail as possible in your responses.

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Earlier this week, the Pennsylvania Senate unanimously confirmed Governor Wolf’s appointments to the Department of Health, Secretary Dr. Rachel Levine; the Department of Human Services, Secretary Teresa Miller; the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs, Secretary Jennifer Smith; and Insurance Commissioner, Jessica Altman. Governor Wolf said, “It gives me great pride to congratulate these four accomplished, capable women on their confirmations today. They each bring unique experience to their respective positions, but they share the same passion to serve our commonwealth and its residents.”

RCPA has had the pleasure of working with these leaders in their “acting” capacity, and congratulates them on their confirmations. The association looks forward to continuing our positive relationships and working with them to make major improvements in their respective fields.

See the Governor’s official press release.

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This just in from the governor’s office:

January 30, 2017
View Online 

Governor Wolf Announces Plan to Create Department of Health and Human Services

Seeks to Improve Services and Benefits for Seniors, People with Intellectual and Physical Disabilities, and Those Suffering From Substance Use Disorder

Harrisburg, PA – Today, Governor Wolf announced his plan to create a Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) in his 2017-2018 budget in order to promote more effective collaboration and service delivery, enhance program effectiveness, and eliminate duplicative processes.

“This new department will streamline government and allow the commonwealth to deliver more effective services to seniors, individuals with intellectual and physical disabilities, and those suffering from a substance use disorder as well as promote the health and well-being of all Pennsylvanians,” said Governor Tom Wolf. “Over the past several months, I have worked closely with these four departments to break down silos and reimagine how we deliver critical services that will provide treatment to those suffering from substance use disorder, ensure children are receiving high quality services, and expand community-based opportunities for seniors. The creation of a new, unified Department of Health and Human Services will not result in any program cuts for Pennsylvanians, but will dramatically improve our ability to deliver services that will improve lives. “

The Departments of Aging (PDA), Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP), Health (DOH), and Human Services (DHS) have the same core mission: to improve public health and quality of life for all residents of the commonwealth. These four separate state agencies currently serve similar, and sometimes overlapping, populations.

Fighting Opioid Epidemic to Remain a Top Priority for New Integrated Agency
Governor Wolf has led the battle against the opioid and heroin epidemic and each of these agencies has been critical to this effort. Among many other initiatives, DOH launched a prescription drug monitoring program and has been raising awareness of the naloxone standing order, DDAP has led the effort to increase the availability of naloxone and drug take back boxes, DHS has created 45 centers of excellence to coordinate treatment for those suffering from substance use disorders, and PDA has led prescription drug take back efforts among the senior population encouraging proper use, storage, and disposal of unused prescription medications.

By creating an organization that is structurally better able to support and coordinate these efforts, individuals in desperate need of substance use disorder treatment will be able to access services through one agency with an integrated data and delivery system. The new HHS will serve as the single state authority for Medicaid, substance use, and mental health purposes enabling the commonwealth to maximize available federal dollars and offset state costs for staff and services. There will continue to be a cabinet-level position in Governor Wolf’s administration that will be dedicated to battling the opioid and heroin epidemic.

Delivering better services to those suffering from substance use disorder is just one example of the benefits realized through the creation of a new, unified department.

Senior Benefits and Programs Will Be Bolstered By Ease, Focus of Single Agency
Seniors will also have a single agency as their point of contact within state government to receive health and human services. Instead of receiving prescription assistance from PACE through PDA, applying for an aging waiver through DHS while seeking home and community-based services from PDA, finding where to dispose of unwanted or expired prescription drugs through DDAP, or searching for information on the quality of nursing homes through DOH, seniors would find the services they need through the Department of Health and Human Services. Furthermore, the creation of this department will have no impact on how lottery fund monies are used to support senior programs.

Reducing Complexity and Confusion for Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities
Currently, at least 21 separate services across the departments provide care for seniors and individuals with physical disabilities. The creation of the Department of Health and Human Services will eliminate the unnecessary duplication of effort and confusion among consumers and their families. The Wolf Administration is dedicated to continuing to provide the same quality services for seniors and individuals with disabilities and will dramatically improve the delivery of services like health screenings, programs to allow individuals to remain in their homes and communities, adult protective services, and home health care and housing supports, though the creation of this new department.

Reducing Red-Tape for Providers and Non-Profits Subject to Regulation
Currently, providers ranging from hospitals and child care centers to substance use treatment facilities and nursing homes are licensed by multiple agencies, many times for the provision of the exact same services. Requiring these businesses to subject themselves to multiple, duplicative inspections and audits costs them money. By centralizing facility licensure in one agency we will improve coordination, increase transparency, and promote uniformity for the health and human services field. The state and providers will be able to better focus our resources on our mission to improve the health and quality of life for citizens rather than back office functions.

In 2015, the administration transferred the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) from the Department of Insurance to DHS. Through this consolidation, the administration has increased the number of kids covered by 10 percent, shortened the average processing time for applications from 40 days to only one day, and saved taxpayers $8 million annually. Additionally, this consolidation resulted in an improved customer experience as many families move between the two programs on a regular basis due to income guidelines. In the same way, combining the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program will result in improved outcomes, shortened application timelines and cost savings to taxpayers.

“Responding to the diverse and sometimes complex needs of older Pennsylvanians often requires interaction with multiple state agencies which can be confusing and incredibly frustrating,” said PDA Secretary Osborne. “The opportunity to create a single, unified, Department of Health and Human Services will reduce fragmentation, eliminate silos, promote accountability, and create a culture of shared responsibility that puts Pennsylvanians first.”

“By working together under Governor Wolf’s leadership, this administration has saved lives by expanding access to naloxone, combatted the stigma of the disease of addiction, and has raised awareness of the severity of this crisis. However, our work is not done,” said Department of Drug and Alcohol Acting Secretary Jennifer Smith. “The creation of the Department of Health and Human Services will help us continue this fight in a collaborative, coordinated manner.”

“The health of all Pennsylvanians is first and foremost to the Wolf Administration,” said Secretary of Health Dr. Karen Murphy. “Consolidating state agencies into one new agency while improving services for Pennsylvanians is not only fiscally responsible, but will ensure that we can continue to meet their needs. The Department of Health team looks forward to working with our sister agencies on the consolidation plan to ensure that Pennsylvanians continue to receive needed services.”

“Consolidation puts the focus where it always should be — on the consumer,” said Secretary of Human Services Ted Dallas. “The Governor’s plan to create HHS will result in a more streamlined and cost-effective agency that delivers better services for Pennsylvania.”

The goal of the Department of Health and Human Services will be to deliver services that will improve the health and quality of life for all Pennsylvanians in an efficient, transparent, and uniform manner.

MEDIA CONTACT:    J.J. Abbott, 717.783.1116

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The Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP) is concerned about the rise in hepatitis C cases in Pennsylvania (PA), particularly among persons who inject drugs (IDU).  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends hepatitis C virus (HCV) testing for those who currently inject any type of drug (Opioids, Methamphetamine, Cocaine, etc.) or have injected drugs in the past, including those who injected once or a few times many years ago.  PA has experienced a dramatic increase in hepatitis C infections in individuals with injection opioid and/or heroin addiction who are 18 to 35 years of age.  DDAP recommends that all licensed drug and alcohol addiction treatment facilities perform a risk assessment for HCV and refer to medical or community based providers for necessary screening/testing as appropriate.


Because many individuals you serve are at high risk for hepatitis C, you play an important role in combating this public health issue.  If you have current practices that you believe are effective in combating this disease, we would appreciate you sharing these with us so we can promote them across the field.  Please send this information to DDAP Treatment, Prevention & Intervention Bureau Director, Angela Episale, at [email protected].   


Through improved identification and treatment of individuals with hepatitis C, we can begin to reduce the spread of this disease.  Please remember to obtain consumer consent and maintain confidentiality when sharing test results with the consumers’ primary care physicians or other physical health specialists involved in hepatitis treatment.  In some cases, you may be able to utilize a Qualified Service Organization Agreement (QSOA) to permit the exchange of patient identifying information.  If you have questions about when this is possible, please contact our Division of Licensing Acting Director, Gary Stauffer, at [email protected].


For more information regarding hepatitis C testing of IDU clientele, please contact:


Charles Howsare, MD, MPH

Viral Hepatitis Prevention Coordinator

PA Department of Health


[email protected]


Thank you for your critical assistance in controlling hepatitis C in PA.


Contact Person: Angela Episale, 717-736-7438