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In accordance with DHS rebranding and the Governor’s Office Customer Service Transformation Initiative, the Office of Medical Assistance Programs will be implementing changes to the old URLs to reach PROMISe hosted applications and websites. The old URLs, using a domain naming convention of dpw.state.pa.us, will be changing to dhs.pa.gov in phased implementations beginning August 7, 2024, and wrapping up in October 2024. Please review the PDF listed below, containing the impacted production environment URLs.

See document for specific PROMISE activity URL updates.

Who is Impacted?

  • CWOPA users and registered business partners with active assigned PROMISe role permissions for each URL
  • External persons accessing the Physician Provider Directory Search
  • Providers accessing the Electronic Enrollment Application or logging into the MA and LiHeap Provider Internet Portals

When is this happening?

  • The first URL, Project Workbook access, is scheduled to change on August 7, 2024
  • The remaining URLs will be implemented in phases
  • All phases to be completed by October 1, 2024

How will these changes be communicated?

  • CWOPA users and business partners with active assigned PROMISe role permission to access URLs today will receive targeted email communication shortly before each URL change is implemented
  • Broadcast messages will run on the MA Provider and LiHeap Internet Portals
  • Providers will receive the same messaging via the ListServ
  • For a limited time after implementation, if a user tries to access an old dpw.state.pa.us URL, a redirect message will pop-up for 5 seconds instructing users to save/bookmark the new URL, then continue to the new dhs.pa.gov URL
  • The DHS Communications Office will be making pre-identified updates from old URLS to the new URLs throughout the various DHS website pages

What can I do to aid this transition?

  • The Old PROMISe URLS have been in place for a long time. We are asking for your assistance, post implementation, in identifying any remaining reference to the old URL. These references could be found on DHS SharePoint, HealthChoices Extranet, and DHS web pages or downloadable documents
  • If you discover remaining usage of the old URLs post implementation, please send a message to this email for correction. Be sure to document the exact site location of the reference and include a screen shot to aid in correction efforts.

If you have further questions, please contact the above OMPA Ra account or your respective RCPA Policy Director.

Early bird rates for the 2024 RCPA Conference Embracing Challenges, Empowering Success are ending August 23meaning you won’t want to wait any longer to claim your seat, book that hotel room, and get ready to make new connections! Register today to gain access to over 60 thought-provoking workshops and speakers who are at the forefront of change in health and human services, including:

  • Pennsylvania’s Department of Human Services Secretary Val Arkoosh, who will cover the State of the State, identifying both current priorities and upcoming initiatives; and
  • Vice President for State Partnerships and Innovation Donna Martin of ANCOR and Senior Vice President of Public Policy and Advocacy Reyna Taylor of the National Council for Mental Wellbeing, who will give national updates on practices being implemented nationwide as well as legislative updates from Washington, DC.

View our registration brochure for complete details on the conference schedule, current sponsors and exhibitors, and a word from RCPA President and CEO Richard Edley.

Time is also running out if your organization is interested in sponsoring or exhibiting at our conference — the deadline for items is August 23, 2024! Now is your chance to complete our Sponsors, Exhibitors, and Advertisers Brochure or contact Carol Ferenz, Conference Coordinator, for opportunities to showcase your organization.

We look forward to sharing more details in the near future and would like to extend a thank you to those organizations who have already pledged support for the conference! View our current sponsors and exhibitors on the RCPA Conference website!

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Deputy Secretary Ahrens of the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) shared a PowerPoint today, July 25, 2024, at the MAAC meeting. Highlights included ODP’s plan to publish several documents. ODP will be submitting waiver amendments for the 1915(c) waiver and the new 1915 (b)(4) waiver to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on July 26, 2024. In addition, ODP Bulletin 00-24-01: Performance-Based Standards for Residential Services and an ODP announcement regarding the waiver submission, including an implementation guide and provider self-assessment, will be released tomorrow, July 26.

RCPA will share these documents with members as soon as they are available.

The Department of Human Services (DHS) Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS) and Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) have announced that they are holding their Statewide Quarterly Positive Approaches & Practices virtual meeting on Thursday, August 8. The meeting will be held from 10:30 am – 3:00 pm, and the topic will be “Building Dementia Friendly Pennsylvania.”

View the flyer for detailed session and registration information.

With the passing of the FY 2024/25 PA budget last week, intellectual and developmental disabilities and autism (ID/A) associations are attempting to obtain clarity regarding its impact on services. The Governor’s Office announced, however, that the scheduled meeting to review these impacts has been postponed in order to allow the Department of Human Services (DHS) more time to analyze the details of the budget. The Governor’s Office shared the following message:

The Commonwealth’s enacted FY24-25 budget includes a philosophical shift in how Pennsylvania approaches service delivery for individuals with intellectual disabilities and autism – a much needed and overdue course change to invest in dignity and opportunity for this community. In February, Governor Shapiro announced the intent to tackle the waiting list for services with a new approach, the Multi-Year ODP Program Growth Strategy. Accompanying this structural change is a substantial investment in services for individuals with intellectual disabilities and autism totaling $354.8M combined state and federal funds – an investment that supports providers, direct support professionals, and families who help make our vision of Everyday Lives a reality.

Included in the total funding is $280M in federal and state funds, which averages 7 percent rate increases for FY24-25. DHS is continuing the analysis of the funds appropriated for FY24-25 for ID/A services and how this will reflect in final rates that will take effect for FY24-25. Also included is an investment of $74.8M in combined federal and state funds for FY24-25 to put the commonwealth on a path to end the emergency waiting list by offering 1,500 adults enrollment in the Consolidated or Community Living Waivers and altering the management of home and community-based services capacity.

In addition to rate increases, the enacted budget includes funding for the implementation of performance-based contracting and the addition of sign language interpretation services. Performance-based contracting is scheduled to be implemented for residential services beginning in FY24-25. Sign language services will be added to ODP’s home and community-based waivers beginning January 1, 2025, pending approval from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

We know there is great interest to further discuss the impact of the enacted budget on your programs and services. DHS will provide additional information to stakeholders related to the necessary recalculation for the fee schedule rates for FY24-25 and performance-based contracting upon completion of the analysis.

The Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) has announced that the quarterly Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) provider call on July 18, 2024, from 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm, will focus on the Mercer Rate and Wage Study. To participate in the Zoom call, registration is required. Because this is an HCBS Provider Call, registration for the call will be limited to providers who are enrolled with the Department of Human Services (DHS) to provide any of these particular services to individuals. Participant-Directed Common Law Employers are also encouraged to attend.

Everyone is welcome to submit questions electronically about the HCBS Rate and Wage Study to OLTL in advance. Questions received will be read during the call as time allows, and both questions and answers will be compiled into a Q&A document that will be available afterwards.

If you have any questions about the call itself, please contact Kristi Mundis via email.

Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash

The Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) has announced that they will be hosting a Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) provider call on July 18, 2024, from 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm that will include a presentation from Mercer providing an overview of the HCBS rate and wage study.

The Department of Human Services (DHS) contracts with Mercer Government Human Services consulting for actuarial services, Medicaid policy and fiscal analysis, financial monitoring, and other technical support.

Mercer will evaluate the following services categories in this rate study:

  • Adult Daily Living;
  • Residential Habilitation;
  • Personal Assistance (Agency and Participant-Directed);
  • Structured Day Habilitation; and
  • Employment and Training Services.

Because this is an HCBS Provider Call, registration for the call will be limited to providers who are enrolled with DHS to provide any of these particular services to individuals. Participant-Directed Common-Law Employers are also encouraged to attend. If you are not a provider of these services or are unable to attend the July 18 HCBS Provider Call, you are welcome to attend the July 2 Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Subcommittee meeting to hear from Mercer about the HCBS Rate and Wage Study and ask questions.

Everyone is welcome to submit questions about the HCBS Rate and Wage Study electronically to OLTL in advance of the July 18 call. Questions submitted will be read during the call as time allows. Questions and Answers will be compiled into a Q&A document that will be available after the call.

A registration link for the July 18, 2024, HCBS Provider Call will be issued shortly. If you have any questions about the call itself, please contact Kristi Mundis.