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On January 8, 2024, the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry (L&I) announced the availability of $2.8M in reemployment funds for the Direct Care Worker Job Quality (DCWJQ) Grant. The grant funding is to be used to boost PA’s direct care workforce by improving job quality and increasing career advancement opportunities. Applicants may request awards of up to $600,000 each.

Additional information about this funding is posted on the L&I grant opportunity web page. This information includes the grant itself, the application form, project summary, budget form, and the Worker Protection and Investment Certificate form.

The application deadline for the DCWJQ Grant is February 29, 2024, at 4:00 pm ET.

News from ANCOR:

Dear ANCOR members,

I write to call your attention to a segment that aired during Saturday’s episode of Good Morning America on the direct support workforce crisis. The story chronicling staffing shortages in group homes on Long Island and nationally included excerpts from an interview with ANCOR COO Gabrielle Sedor, as well as reference to ANCOR’s research on the State of America’s Direct Support Workforce Crisis. Overall, the show did an excellent job of packaging complex issues into an accessible, three-minute story.

View and share Good Morning America’s feature on the direct support workforce crisis.

GMA is the latest among several high-profile outlets showcasing the direct support workforce crisis, illustrating growing acknowledgment of the significance of our field’s recruitment and retention obstacles. To that end, I hope you will consider sharing the link to the video on social media and in your advocacy so we can help further amplify this important message.

Finally, this high-profile feature simply would not have happened without the contributions of Michael Seereiter, President & CEO of the New York Alliance for Inclusion & Innovation (who was also interviewed for the segment) who connected us with the producer, and Lauren Tilghman, Director of Strategic Communications for KenCrest who provided some of the photos that were used in the segment. Thank you, Michael and Lauren!

With gratitude,

Sean Luechtefeld, PhD, CAE (he/him)
Vice President, Membership & Communications