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As the PA General Assembly reviews the State 2022/23 Budget, RCPA would like to provide some guidance and feedback on the intersection of future school district funding and student mental health services. The need for student mental health services has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the trauma experienced over the last few years in our schools.

Please read the full RCPA position paper here.

Yesterday, RCPA held its 2022 Capitol Day on the Capitol steps in Harrisburg. Members had the opportunity to meet with their legislators and hear from Charlie Barber, RCPA Board Chair, Sherri Landis, Executive Director for the ARC of Pennsylvania, Rep. Jessica Benham, Rep. Dan Miller, and Rep. Carrie Lewis DelRosso about the importance of funding intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and behavioral health services.

As a follow-up to Capitol Day, RCPA would like those members who attended to give an update about their legislative meetings. This member intel will be beneficial for RCPA staff to effectively lobby the Governor and the General Assembly over the next few weeks.

RCPA is hosting this follow-up to Capitol Day on Wednesday, June 1, at 9:00 am. Members can register for the call here.

Please contact Jack Phillips with questions.