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The ID/A Coalition, comprised of RCPA, The Arc of PA, PAR, and Disability Rights of PA, sent a letter to the members of Pennsylvania’s Congressional Delegation to express their support of the $400 billion in funding to strengthen the Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) infrastructure and workforce, which supports the states intellectual disability (ID) and autism communities.

The coalition also sent a letter to the Pennsylvania Legislative leaders calling upon the general assembly to immediately release the funds allocated to the state through the American Rescue Plan to provide critical supports to the ID/A community.

Every health and human services organization understands the enormity of the workforce crisis. Recruitment and retention have become impossible and vacancies across all service lines are evident. Unfortunately, this has also led to program closures without an end in sight. And that is one of the most alarming parts of this situation – what will change that will truly address the crisis?

[View the full RCPA position paper]