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Statewide associations have been united in advocating for an increase of $430 million in state funds to the home and community-based waiver rates to offset the impact of actual inflation not included in these rates. This was in addition to the budget proposed by the Governor in March of this year. This $430 million in state funding would be matched by an additional $470 million in federal funding to the State.

HB 611 decreased the Governor’s proposal from March by $170 million for the Community Waiver line item, a decrease that represents the growing loss of services within our system. This decrease was a result of underutilization due to the lack of staffing, as individuals struggled to find providers available to support them in their communities.

The ID/A associations joined together to send a message to the General Assembly in a letter expressing our concerns for the viability of ID/A services in PA. Please share this letter with your legislators to ensure adequate funding for ID/A services.

The Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) at the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has announced a funding opportunity for $1.5 million to support the first year of a cooperative agreement for a policy development center focused on advancing employment opportunities and outcomes for disabled youth. The funding will support research, engage with the workforce system and its partners, and identify effective policies and practices that support disabled youth employment. It will also help provide resources and training to help support their transition to adulthood.

The funding will continue the work of the Center for Advancing Policy on Employment for Youth. DOL created the center in 2019 to improve employment outcomes for youth and young adults with disabilities by helping states expand their delivery of youth services and strengthening workforce systems.

DOL anticipates the availability of $7.5 million in funds for a five-year period, subject to federal fund availability, at $1.5 million per year. Apply by Wednesday, July 12, 2023.

Contact Andrea Hill with questions. Learn more about the funding opportunity here.

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Folders with the label Applications and Grants

The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation (OPRE) is soliciting applications for Prevention Services Evaluation Partnerships. These grants aim to support summative (i.e., impact) randomized control trial or quasi-experimental evaluations of a mental health, substance abuse prevention and/or treatment, in-home parent skill-based, or kinship navigator program or service. The grants will support collaborations among evaluators and partnering Title IV-E agencies, community entities, and/or researchers that have experience in working with foster children or children in kinship care arrangements to conduct well-designed and rigorous summative evaluations of programs and services intended to provide enhanced support to children and families, including pregnant and parenting youth in foster care, as well as prevent child abuse and neglect and foster care placements.

Grant recipients are expected to conduct a randomized control trial or quasi-experimental evaluation design that aligns with Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse (the Clearinghouse) Design and Execution Standards for Moderate or High Support of Causal Evidence and may contribute to the research systematically reviewed by the Clearinghouse. Grant recipients may collect and analyze primary data or leverage existing data for the proposed evaluation. ACF is particularly interested in evaluations of programs or services that are eligible for review by the Clearinghouse but which are not yet rated; programs and services with a rating of “does not currently meet criteria” by the Clearinghouse, and programs and services that have been designed for or adapted for specific cultural, ethnic, or racial groups, or programs and services that aim to serve other populations that have been historically marginalized and/or have historic or ongoing disproportionate representation in the child welfare system.

Estimated Total Funding:

Expected Number of Awards:

Award Ceiling:
Per Project Period

Award Floor:
Per Project Period

Average Projected Award Amount:
Per Project Period

Anticipated Project Start Date:

View the funding summary announcement for more details. Any questions regarding this announcement should be directed to the federal Administration for Children and Families contacts outlined in the announcement.