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The Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP) announced more than $6 million in grant funding for organizations to establish or expand substance use disorder (SUD) services, community outreach, and education to underrepresented communities struggling with the opioid overdose crisis.

In 2020, overdose death rates increased 39 percent for Black Pennsylvanians, compared to 2019. In 2021, Black Pennsylvanians died from an overdose at a rate that was nearly two times higher than white Pennsylvanians.

Those eligible for this funding included organizations that provide services, outreach, and/or education to communities of color and promote access to harm reduction services, low-barrier SUD and medication-assisted treatment (MAT), recovery and peer supports, and/or offender reentry supports.

Through this funding award, 19 organizations are receiving grants up to $400,000 for a 12-month period beginning July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024. Funds shall be applied toward a range of activities, including construction and building infrastructure, staffing, and evidence-based programming.

Read the full press release.

RCPA (Rehabilitation & Community Providers Association), PAR (Pennsylvania Advocates and Resources for Autism and Intellectual Disabilities), The Arc of Pennsylvania, TPA (The Provider Alliance), The Alliance of Community Service Providers, and MAX Association sent a letter to the general assembly requesting their support of our joint budget request.

As the organizations representing Pennsylvania’s Intellectual Disabilities/Autism (ID/A) service providers, we are asking them to include $430 million in the 2023/24 state general fund budget proposal to significantly improve the wage rates for the Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) who provide care to individuals with ID/A. This funding and its federal match are crucial because the ID/A system is in crisis. Nearly 60,000 Pennsylvanians with ID/A are at risk of losing or experiencing a reduction of essential services because there are not enough DSPs to care for them.

See the letter for full information.

The Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) has announced that they will be presenting a live, interactive, six-session webinar series on housing issues.

The webinars will be held every Wednesday, beginning May 24, 2023, through June 28, 2023, from 11:30 am – 1:00 pm. They will include targeted content and question and answer sessions with housing experts and staff from OLTL.

The information covered in this webinar series will be similar to the information covered in the 2022 OLTL housing webinar series.

This webinar series builds on information already provided in the Online Housing Training Modules and the Self-Determination Housing of Pennsylvania (SDHP)/Inglis’s Prepared Renter Program (PREP) curriculum.

This series of webinars is designed to be taken in order. The content in each session builds on prior content. Participants will get the most out of the program by taking all of the sessions in order. Although individuals are not required to complete the sessions in order, to keep the sessions focused, the webinar leader may opt to table questions that were covered in prior sessions.

The target audience for this webinar series is Service Coordinators (SC), Managed Care Organizations (MCO), and Service Coordination Entity (SCE) support staff who assist program participants in securing and maintaining affordable, accessible housing through Home and Community-Based Services. Additional target audiences for these webinars includes individuals and organizations who provide long-term services and supports for older Pennsylvanians and people with physical disabilities.

2023 OLTL Housing Series Curriculum

Webinar 1: Understanding Housing Nuances in Pennsylvania

  • 12 Housing Sector Nuances to Be Aware Of

Webinar 2: Recommended Relationships to Have in the Housing Sector

  • 6 Key Partnerships to Cultivate

Webinar 3: Types of Housing Funding Sources

  • 6 Kinds of Funding Sources to Be Aware Of

Webinar 4: Fair Housing with the Housing Equality Center of PA

  • Reasonable Accommodations & Modifications
  • Fair Housing Law

Webinar 5: Keeping Participants Housed with Landlord Engagement Techniques

  • 6 Key Concepts to Understand in Keeping Participants Housed

Webinar 6: Top 7 Housing Information Resources to be Aware Of

  • Housing Resources

Registration is available.