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ODP Announcement 22-073 notifies stakeholders that there is now an additional training session available to members of HRTs and HRCs. With the release of Bulletin 00-21-01 “Guidance for Human Rights Teams and Human Rights Committees,” the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) released a 4-part webcast series titled “Human Rights In Depth” to provide information and support for stakeholders involved in implementing the guidance and requirements related to individual rights and restrictive procedures.

The 4 webcasts, which are available on MyODP, provide detailed discussions of the following topic areas:

  1. Responsibility to Inform and Strategies to Support People to Exercise their Rights;
  2. How to Make a Determination;
  3. Human Rights Teams; and
  4. Human Rights Committees.

Following up on those webcasts, ODP offered webinar trainings to members of HRTs and HRCs to delve more deeply into the process of “MAKING A DETERMINATION.”

The direct link to the Making a Determination course and recordings is here. The navigation path from the MyODP Home page is: Training > Intellectual Disability > Human Rights.

ODP Announcement 22-079 announces the start of Cycle 2 of the Quality Assessment & Improvement (QA&I) Process. Cycle 2, Year 1 of the QA&I Process will begin on August 1, 2022. All materials and resources related to the QA&I Process will be posted on the MyODP Training & Resource Center (MyODP). Please note that you must be logged into MyODP to access the information.

Please direct any inquiries, issues, or concerns regarding this communication to the QA&I Process inbox.

ODP Announcement 076-18: Re-Issue is to inform providers that the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) is requiring newly enrolling providers of Residential Habilitation Services to complete the ODP-approved Dual Diagnosis Training curriculum. This applies to new Residential Habilitation providers who will be enrolled and qualified to provide these services effective September 1, 2018, and thereafter. This re-issue is to announce that the 2022 Dual Diagnosis Curriculum is now available on MyODP, and a new link has been linked in the Discussion section of this announcement.

ODP Announcement 22-070 announces the release of a new Incident Management (IM) training series on the MyODP website, which focuses on incident prevention and reducing recurrence of incidents.

The course is titled “Preventing Incidents” and is relevant for all stakeholders. This course contains a seven-part training that focuses on the general safety of individuals with an intellectual or developmental disability, using a person-centered approach to prevent future incidents, anticipating situations and recognizing potential signs of mistreatment, communicating what you know and elevating concerns, proactive vs. reactive risk mitigation strategies, developing effective corrective actions, using data to improve overall quality, and self-care, taking care of yourself while supporting others.

Upon completion of the webcast series and successful completion of the post-test, 2 hours of training credits will be awarded. Visit here for a link to the course, which contains the webcast series.

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

ODP Announcement 22-071 serves to inform readers that the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Services Overview is now available. This quick guide gives an overview of ODP, program eligibility, who to contact to establish eligibility, and what happens after.

Printable versions in English and Spanish are available. The quick guide is also available on the MyODP and Department of Human Services (DHS) websites.

Image by Shotkitimages from Pixabay

ODP Announcement 22-056 is to communicate that registration for the July – December 2022 Certified Investigator (CI) Initial Certification Course classes (also known as cohorts) is now open on MyODP. The Initial CI Certification Course was created to ensure that all incidents requiring an investigation receive a systematic review that meets established standards. In order to perform investigations, the investigator must successfully complete all requirements of the CI Initial Certification Course.

Due to continued concerns regarding COVID-19, the July – December 2022 CI Initial Certification cohorts of the course will be provided virtually rather than in person.

To register for the CI Initial Certification course:

  1. Log into your MyODP account.
  2. Go to the Certified Investigator Initial Certification Course Information web page.
  3. Visit the Registration web page.

If you do not have a MyODP account, visit the MyODP login web page and follow the instructions under “Is this your first time here?” If you are not sure if you have a MyODP account, contact MyODP Support or Kiyona Duncan. For assistance with registration, contact Kiyona Duncan. For questions regarding course content, contact Amanda Black.

ODP Announcement 22-055 communicates the process for Administrative Entities (AEs) to validate that new Provider Applicants have satisfied all Waiver Provider Qualification requirements effective May 1, 2022.

Pursuant to 55 Pa. Code §6100.82 (relating to enrollment documentation) and the service qualification requirements specified in Appendix C of the Consolidated, P/FDS, and Community Living Waivers, in order to become a qualified provider, applicants must submit required provider qualification documentation designated for new provider applicants. CEOs of provider applicants must successfully complete ODP Provider Applicant Orientation training, which includes pre-registration module webcasts and a full day, face-to-face session. Upon completion of each training component, the CEO must pass a post-test to earn and be issued a Certificate of Achievement.

The New Provider Applicant Process for licensed and unlicensed services is available for provider applicants on MyODP using the following pathway:

  • Resources > Intellectual Disability Resources > Waiver Services > Qualification and Enrollment.

These guiding documents steer applicants through the complicated qualification/enrollment processes.

Additionally, a detailed flowchart depicting the process to apply for and obtain a Certificate of Compliance for licensed services is available on MyODP through the same path specified above.

NOTE: Announcement 19-044 “Qualification Process for New Providers” will become obsolete as of the date of this publication.

Providers who plan to qualify for ODP’s Adult Autism Waiver (AAW) must contact the Bureau of Support for Autism and Special Populations (BSASP) via email to begin the initial qualifications. Templates and additional documentation can be found below:

Please read the full announcement for more details.

ODP Announcement 22-048 serves to clarify the role and responsibility of providers to ensure individuals and amilies are provided access to Incident Management information as well as education on this topic.

As previously noted in ODP Announcement 21-071, published on 10/13/2021, the “Incident Management Family Guide: When Something Bad Happens to Someone I Care About or Support” was introduced with the announcement of Incident Management (IM) Bulletin trainings that were made available via MyODP. The Incident Management Family Guide was developed by and for families to provide information about incident management processes and to address some of the common questions and concerns they may have when they witness or are informed of something negative happening to their loved one.

Please see the announcement for a full review of provider responsibilities. Also, you can visit MyODP’s website to see the course that contains the webcast series “Responding to Incidents” and two guides: the “Incident Management Family Guide: When Something Bad Happens to Someone I Care About or Support” and “A Guide to Victim’s Assistance.”