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odp announcement

ODP Announcement 23-024 states that the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) and the Columbus Organization are pleased to announce the release of a new Incident Management (IM) training series on the MyODP website. The course, “Leadership’s Role in Reporting, Investigating, and Responding to Incidents,” focuses on the responsibility of leaders for the overall implementation of a high-quality Incident Management system that effectively protects the health and safety of individuals and aligns with the requirements set forth in Incident Management Bulletin 00-21-02.

You can access the course, which contains the webcast series, here.

ODP Announcement 23-022 is to inform all interested parties that the recording of the General Stakeholder Waiver Renewal webinar is available on MyODP. Major changes approved in the Consolidated, P/FDS, and Community Living waiver renewals are discussed within the recording. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approved the waivers effective January 1, 2023. The webinar recording and accompanying PowerPoint are now available here.

ODP Announcement 23-021 reports that the 2022 Information Sharing & Advisory Committee (ISAC) Annual Report is now available. ISAC, working with the PA Office of Developmental Programs (ODP), developed a series of recommendations and strategies to support achievement of the vision in Everyday Lives. This publication provides 2022 updates related to those recommendations and strategies. Stakeholders are encouraged to use the information contained in this report in their work supporting people with disabilities.

Access the 2022 ISAC Annual Report here. Access the ISAC Recommendations and Strategies supplemental document from inside the ISAC Annual Report here. Both documents can also be found by visiting MyODP and following this path:

Everyday Lives > Everyday Lives Publications > Recommendations, Strategies, and Performance Measures.

ODP Announcement 23-020 states that, since the release of Bulletin 00-20-01 Regulatory Compliance Guide for Community Homes for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability or Autism, the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has collected questions and comments from providers, licensing staff, and other stakeholders about how the Regulatory Compliance Guide (RCG) can be improved and updated. ODP has updated the RCG based on the feedback received and lessons learned through the inspection process and is pleased to announce the release of the updated Chapter 6400 RCG.

This version is effective as of February 14, 2023, and obsoletes the February 3, 2020, version of the RCG. A record of change showing the substantive changes made in the updated RCG is also available.

Questions about this announcement or about the RCG can be directed to ODP’s Regulatory Administration Unit.

Image by PIRO4D from Pixabay

ODP Announcement 23-019 is to advise all stakeholders that the COVID-19 PHE is officially ending May 11, 2023. All provisions made under Appendix K will expire on November 11, 2023.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) will release more detailed information regarding transition activities as they develop. A link to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) statement is provided here.

ODP Announcement 23-017 provides information regarding Remote Supports as a separate, discrete service in all four of the Office of Developmental Programs’ (ODP) waivers. Remote Supports is no longer covered as a component of the Assistive Technology service in the Consolidated, P/FDS, and Community Living waivers.

Guidance in the announcement includes how to add remote supports to the ISP, necessary provider qualifications, and enrollment process. Please refer to Attachment A for more instructions on how to add Remote Supports services for the P/FDS, Community Living, or Consolidated Waiver. Please refer to Attachment B for more instructions on how to add Remote Support Services for the AAW. Additional information about the qualification of a new specialty is contained in ODP Announcement 22-122 “Provider Qualification Process.”

Existing providers must submit the approved DP 1059 (ID/A) or DP 1088 (AAW) along with the “PROMISe™ Provider Service Location Change Request,” which can be found on the MyODP website, to the ODP provider enrollment inbox and/or AAW provider enrollment inbox in order to add a new Specialty 364 to an EXISTING active service location with the same Provider Type. Providers that do not have a Provider Type 51 service location open in PROMISe will need to submit an application through the Provider Enrollment system.

Questions regarding ISP requirements should be sent to the appropriate ODP Regional Office. Questions regarding provider qualification requirements should be sent to the ODP Provider Qualification inbox and the AAW Provider Enrollment Lead.

ODP Announcement 23-001 has been updated with new information regarding Supports Coordination Organizations’ recovery payments. The performance standard has been changed so that SCOs must be accepting referrals of newly enrolled individuals in the ODP system as of 3/1/2023. Eligible SCOs must increase the number of individuals served between 3/1/2023 and 6/30/2023. An FAQ sheet is available.

All questions and comments related to this announcement can be sent electronically.

ODP Announcement 23-016 announces that the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) is requesting that qualified providers employing DSPs participate in the 2022 State of the Workforce (SoTW) survey. This important survey includes questions relating to the volume, stability, compensation, and benefits of DSPs serving adults 18 years of age and older. The data gathered from this voluntary and anonymous survey will help ODP, along with other policy makers and advocates, inform policy and program development regarding DSP workforce (DSPW) improvement initiatives and other important work in this area. Within the next two weeks, providers will receive an email from HSRI inviting them to participate in this SoTW survey.

In addition to the standard survey, ODP has added a series of questions to address several areas in which it has a specific interest. These questions are identified in the PA Supplement section and have PA attached to the question number. The data collected for these questions will not be analyzed by HSRI, but ODP will complete its own analysis.

Results of the survey will only be reported in the aggregate, and organizations will not be identified in any way. It is recommended that the Human Resources (HR) or Payroll Office complete the surveys and that answers should reflect DSPs who were on agency payroll during any period between January 1 and December 31, 2022.

The deadline to complete data entry is June 30, 2023. A copy of the survey is available to allow for preparation of data prior to completing data entry. It is a proprietary tool of NCI® and is to be used for reference only. ODP is eager to be a part of this important project again. Provider participation will help ODP to make sound policy decisions regarding Pennsylvania’s DSPs.

Any questions can be directed to Ms. Lee Stephens, ODP NCI Statewide Lead.

ODP Announcement 23-014 provides new guidance to SCOs on Supports Coordinators’ (SC) participation in the SIS-A™ and PA Supplement assessments, as well as clarification and new guidance on virtual assessments. This announcement obsoletes ODP Announcement 22-090. Read the full announcement for details. Highlights include:

Criteria for SC Participation and Virtual Assessments:

  • SC participation is required for all first assessments.
  • SCs are welcome but no longer required to participate in 5-year reassessments. If the SC does not attend the 5-year reassessment, it is ODP’s expectation that the SC review the finalized family-friendly report, update the Individual Service Plan (ISP) to reflect any changes in support needs, and conduct follow-up activities as needed.
  • SC participation is required for all Significant Life Change assessments. A Significant Life Change is any major change in an individual’s life that has a lasting impact on support needs that may cause the individual’s support needs to increase or decrease.

Virtual assessments are permitted during inclement weather and when an individual or respondent is ill and able to participate virtually. Additionally, SCs now have the authority to decide whether an assessment should be scheduled virtually based on what is best for the individual and other valid respondents. It is ODP’s expectation that all valid respondents and observers who participate in a virtual assessment must have both audio and video on for the duration of the assessment.

ODP appreciates your commitment to the individuals and families we serve. Please contact your Regional Program Office (RPO) if you need more information or have questions about the SIS process.

ODP Announcement 23-013 informs all interested parties of the submission of Pennsylvania’s Heightened Scrutiny locations to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The information submitted is available on the Department of Human Services’ (Department) website.

On February 1, 2023, the department submitted all locations identified as requiring a Heightened Scrutiny review by CMS. The information submitted may be viewed at the bottom of this web page. CMS will make final heightened scrutiny review determinations available online. Questions about Heightened Scrutiny or this communication should be sent electronically.